Page 79 of Smokescreen

“Yeah, on it.”

“Wait! Why are we running? What’s the point? We’ll call the bank and report abuse, we’ll get new payments out, and I’ll get a new account.”

“I told you earlier, there are few coincidences in my life. All of this is too much at once, especially with me too far away to get to you.

“The company jet is scheduled to be ready tomorrow morning. I’ll try to arrange for it to fly tonight. Laci and Landon, after Stella leaves and you get the payments sorted. I want you to leave the office, lock up, and go home. Don’t plan on coming in over the weekend or Monday until we talk again. Jake is going to set the perimeter cameras so he can see if anyone is watching the building, or unusual in the area. Everyone understand?”

“What do I do?” Dana asks.

“Act as natural as you can. Don’t let on that something is weird. If anyone asks about me, tell them I plan to be back on Monday. Call my mom from the private line and tell her the same. Especially if Edward or Rita calls. Don’t give her every detail but tell her I’m suspicious. I’ll call her when possible.”

“Bella, I love you. Jake is going to give you a new phone. It’s a clean phone that only a few people can call you on. Keep your other phone on. I’d like to see all incoming calls and Jake can watch if anyone tries to hack into it. He’s going to deactivate your GPS.”


“See you soon.” He disconnects and Dana mumbles goodbye and does the same.

Landon is staring at me with concern and fear while Jake has slipped into a mode I’ve never seen. Even though he’s a bit scary, his eyes are warm when they meet mine.

“Stels, you need to get moving. Call the bank, I’ll pack you up.” Laci pats my shoulder and starts putting my folders together.

“Max is overreacting. Everything’s going to be okay—right?” I ask Jake directly knowing he won’t coddle me.

“Honestly, babe, I don’t know what the fuck is going on, but it doesn’t look good. Let’s follow the plan until you’re in a safe place. Then we’ll wait for the fall out.”

His words do nothing to comfort me.

It was only hours after Max hung up that my personal hell started. When we got to the cabin, Jake’s phone rang and I could tell whatever the call was about was not good. He made a few clipped remarks before hanging up. Then he stalked to his laptop and pictures started filling his screen.

“Stella, we need to talk. That was my supervisor on the phone. Ten minutes ago, several pictures were delivered to him anonymously. He’s fully aware of our investigation into Edward Hurst and Max’s involvement. We also know you are clean of any wrongdoings. But these photos are damaging.”

I walk over to look at his computer screen and my knees buckle. He catches me and lowers me down on the sofa. The pictures are grainy but you can clearly see me sitting at the table with piles of money laid out. The fake federal official is also in the picture. The next picture is of me at the school talking to a group of young girls. The next is of a woman that looks exactly like me taking a bundle of cash from the same man in front of a run-down building.

“Oh my God. What are these? Someone was following me? That last picture isn’t even me. You know who that guy is don’t you? He’s the guy Max is looking for.”

“Yeah, we know who he is, he was just found dead. His name is Lucas Diaz and he was employed by one of the largest criminals in the area. His employer, who also happens to be his cousin, runs many businesses, legal and illegal, but we think his prostitution ring turns the largest profit. It’s completely out of our jurisdiction, but we have a pretty good relationship with officials down there.”

“What does this have to do with me? Why were they taking pictures of me? And who the hell is the doppelganger taking money?”

“Stella, someone’s trying to insinuate you took money from Diaz and then used your position with JOS to help him build a harem.”

“What? You can’t be serious!” I screech. “Why would anyone ever believe that?”

“There’s more, Stella, I need you to stay calm. We know this is all bullshit but officials in the area are opening an investigation.”

“What kind of investigation? Surely it’s a dead end. These are just pictures and one of them isn’t even me.”

“Three girls came forward saying you propositioned them. Legally, they have to open an investigation.”

“No, that can’t be. Why would they do this?”

“Money. My guess is they were offered money.”

“We have to stop this. This is going to ruin me. I’ll never bounce back from this. Even though it’s all lies, my name will be forever linked with underage prostitution. What can we do?”

“I don’t have all the answers but this was a deliberate attack against you.”

“Why? Why me?”