Page 7 of Smokescreen

“You look beautiful, Lace.”

“So do you.”

My black pants suit has nothing on her. I wish I could run home and change before Max arrives.

“You seem a bit flustered, Stella Bella.”

“I am. Every time I think about Maxwell McCoy, my body tingles. My common sense knows it’s a strictly business relationship, but someone needs to tell my body that.”

“There’s nothing wrong with mixing business with pleasure.”

“There is in this situation. I want my work to speak for itself. There should be no reason to let people think I got the job because I’m screwing the president of the company.”

“I can understand that, but be discreet.”

“Laci, seriously? Why would he even take a second glance at me? You saw the women he dates on the internet. One was a super model. And I’m not even sure he’s single.”

“First of all, you’re gorgeous Stella. You’ve always been blinded at your own beauty. You let me do some digging to find out if he’s single and I’ll get back to you. But don’t close the door on the possibility of a ‘Stellax’ yet.”

“For the love of God, please tell me you did not just say that. ‘Stellax,’ Laci, that’s the worst name combo ever.”

“Yeah, it sounds terrible out loud, but you get my drift.”

“Am I interrupting?” a male voice startles us and we both turn to find Max in the doorway. My jaw drops at the sight. He’s not in the standard business suit but a midnight blue sweater and grey slacks. The sweater is tight across his chest and his arms bulge under the material. His hair is messy and unruly as if he’s been running his hands through it. The blue of his eyes is much more defined. A fluttering moves through my body and I involuntarily move my hand to my stomach. The air in the room changes and suddenly it’s very warm.

We stare at each other without speaking for several seconds before Laci clears her throat and moves to introduce herself.

“You must be Mr. McCoy. I’m Laci Barnes.” She shakes his hand, which breaks our stare down.

“Call me Max.”

“Okay, Max.” She smiles sweetly at him still holding his hand. “Bella forgot to mention how handsome you are.”

I want to throw something at her head. She’s flirting with him right in front of me

“Bella?” He looks confused.

“Yeah, it’s Stella’s nickname. We’ve called her Stella Bella forever.” She looks between us and winks. Her intent is to get a rise out of me. We never tell clients my nickname. To me, a nickname is reserved for family and close friends. Not paying clients. Especially not presidents of multi-billion dollar companies.

He gives her a polite grin but his eyes turn warmer when he looks at me.

“Laci, let go of Max’s hand and let us get to work.” I give her a look that hopefully tells her to cut her shit.

“Okay, let me know if you need anything.” She turns and licks her lips seductively, giving me the sign that she approves.

I roll my eyes and watch her walk out. Max’s mouth is set in a grin and heat fills my cheeks because he saw the exchange.

“Well, now you’ve met Laci.”

“Yes, I’ve met Laci.”

“I’m sorry about her somewhat inappropriate behavior.” I motion to the table for him to sit. Before I can join him, my phone starts buzzing with a series of text messages. Glancing down, Laci’s name pops up.

First message—He’s fucking hot, why didn’t you warn me?

Second message—The look he gave you was more than professional, as soon as y’all saw each other the room went still.

Third message—Holy shit! Doing research now. Stellax is sounding better and better.