Page 8 of Smokescreen

“Everything okay?” Max asks.

“Yes, just work stuff.” I switch the button to silent hoping my face isn’t too flushed.

“Work stuff with your assistant in the other room?” His eyes dance with humor and I laugh.

“Maybe, she’s working on a very important project for me,” I lie. “Let’s get started.” I lay out my notes from the last week of research.

It’s been ten full days since I was hired and a week since my business dinner with Max. Either he or Dana has communicated with me directly daily. Even though he said he cleared his schedule, there are other things that require his attention. In my business, generally clients want to see presentations, business plans, and then results. But Max has given me access to anything I ask. It was him that requested this meeting today.

So far, I’ve read and noted the allegations, the unsafe working conditions, the federal payoffs, and the recent financial reports. Max was right, the significant decline in profits in the last six weeks were starting to spread to other companies owned by Hurst & McCoy.

“Before we go over your notes and plans, I need to tell you. I’ve called an emergency meeting with my executive team, two weeks from today. It’s mandatory so I had to navigate around some previously scheduled engagements. But I have a full commitment from every member of my team to be in this meeting. It is very important to me to have them understand the direction we are taking before we go to the board. The board will be harder to convince of certain aspects of your plan. But with the support of the team, I’m certain we can get board approval,” Max tells me.

“Wow, I know you wanted to move fast, but two weeks is so soon.”

“I have complete faith we’ll be ready and cleared my calendar until the day of the meeting. I’m one hundred percent yours.”

‘One hundred percent mine,’ runs through my mind and the tingling sensation returns.

“Well, we better get started. How about I tell you my thoughts and we go from there?”


For the next two hours, I outline my strategy. Max listens intently, making his own notes. His phone buzzes several times but he never answers, giving me all his attention. At six, Laci comes in and gets our dinner order.

Once our food arrives, Laci goes home for the night. Max takes over telling me about the non-profits he looked into and the wage increases he wants to implement. We both decide it’s a good idea to bring in a few members of his executive team to work with us on executing the changes so we can have this project plan in action in eight weeks.

I wrote up a few press releases for him, which elicits a groan. He’s scheduled to talk to the local news this Friday.

When I look up, it’s already after eight pm. Max’s hand covers mine, causing me to jump in my seat.

“We’re done for the night, Stella. I’m going to take you out for a drink.”

“You don’t have to do that. I’m sure you’ve got things to do.”

“You’re right, I do. Those things include a quiet place to relax, a single malt scotch, and your company.” His voice is soft yet firm.

“Really, Max, my plans include a nice glass of wine and my couch.”

His face is unreadable as his eyes pierce my own.

“A glass of wine sounds nice. I’ll pick it up.” He stands to grab his coat and I stare at him dumbfounded.

“Ummm, what just happened?”

“You turned down my invitation for a drink, so I invited myself to your house for a glass of wine.”

A giggle escapes. “Max, you didn’t really ask me to join you for a drink. You told me we were going.”

He looks stunned. “I guess you’re right, I need to improve my skills. Next time, I’ll ask. But now, I’m ready for a glass of wine. Let’s go, you ready?”

“Really, Max—”

“Stella, you’re bruising my ego here. I haven’t been able to get you out of my mind since our dinner together. Please have a drink with me.”

My mind is screaming at me this is a terrible idea, but excitement bubbles sending tingles throughout my body. When our eyes meet, his usual confidence has been replaced with apprehension. I grin slightly and gather what I’ll need to look over in the morning.

We walk to my car and he looks around the dark parking lot.