Page 106 of Smokescreen

I confirm my order and hang up.

“Okay, Dana, go ahead.” He walks towards the window. “Dana, the reception is shit. I’ll call you right back. Stay where you are.”

“What’s going on?” I ask.

“Not sure, I’ve never had problems before. But it sounds like she has some news. I’m going to call her from downstairs. Be right back.” He kisses me lightly and leaves.

Less than ten minutes later, there’s a knock on the door. I answer and step back to let the waiter pass by. Immediately I see a problem because the cart is filled with food trays and I only ordered drinks.

“Excuse me, I don’t think that’s ours.”

The man mutters something and I realize he doesn’t speak English.

“Sir, there’s been a mistake.” My hand touches his shoulder and he jumps. When he turns to face me, a chill runs through my entire body.

“No there’s no mistake.” An evil smile spreads across his face and he grabs my arm roughly.

Before I can scream, a syringe is plunged into my arm and darkness takes over.

The hairs on the back of my neck stand on end as I push the button constantly for the elevator. What the fuck is the hold up? Now would be a really good time to have a round with a punching bag. Actually, I’m not sure anything will take away the wrath I have fuming inside.

“I think Stella’s in danger.” Dana’s words ring over and over in my mind

“What’s wrong with the fucking elevators?!” I scream.

“Sir?” a small man with a nametag comes to me. “What’s the problem?”

“Is there some sort of engineering malfunction? First my phone wouldn’t work in my room and now the elevators are stuck.”

Confusion crosses his face and he talks in rapid Spanish into a headset. Understanding every word, I hear the respondent say there is no known problems. Something hits me hard and I dial Jake. When he answers, his voice is crystal clear.

“Jake, where are you?”

“About to head to your room. Why?”

“Something’s not right. Get to my room now, I have to take the stairs. Get Laci and keep her and Stella in our suite until I get there. Dana just called with disturbing news.” Not waiting for a response, I run to the stairs and sprint two at time until I reach my floor.

Laci is pacing the room when I throw open the door.

“Where’s Stella?” I demand.

“We don’t know. She’s not here. The door was cracked and the place empty. What the hell is going on?”

I punch in Stella’s phone number and hear it ringing in the bedroom. When I find it in her purse, my stomach sinks. She doesn’t go anywhere without her phone.

“Jake! Call your people. Stella’s gone.”

“What do you mean?” Laci shrieks.

I ignore her questions and call the operator, requesting the manager immediately.

“Want to tell me what’s happening?” Jake questions.

“There’s no time! Stella’s gone. Someone’s got her.”

His entire body stiffens and he raises one eyebrow to me.

“I got a call from Dana and had to go downstairs to get reception. What she told me is not good. She confirmed Edward is intentionally avoiding Rita and Erica. Exactly like Saturday, as soon as she was alone with him he opened his eyes. He didn’t hold back or resist talking to her. Nor did he insist on seeing me. His voice was still hoarse but she taped their conversation. He’s aware I know about his involvement in illegal business activities. He knows he’s caught. But he was insistent on not having anything to do with Stella’s sabotage. Dana said his face was full of regret and sorrow. Then he went on to say that he’s so sorry, he tried to stop everything.”