Page 105 of Smokescreen

“The guy cracked. Now we have everything we need to take down Edward. You’re clear. We’ll also know more once we see the email from Marshall and link the money in Stella’s account, and this is will be over. My advice. Get Stella back on your payroll for a new project. This one will be ‘Project Cleanup.’ Hurst & McCoy’s going to be in the news again, so get the golden girl on it. You won’t be able comment about the charges or investigation.”

“Why don’t I feel the relief I should?”

“Because your woman taught you compassion and you’re about to watch a man you’ve grown up and partnered with go to jail. A sick man I might add. Your company is going to take another hit within six months. But you’ve got the right people in place. You’ll bounce back.”

I watch Stella flitter around, making sure to meet as many people as she can. Her smile is genuine and with each person she greets, they warm to her instantly. I can tell from across the courtyard that she’s a crowd favorite. Pedro walks up quietly and when she sees him, she hugs him tightly. He hugs her back and I can tell he’s intimidated. He sees me staring and steps back quickly mumbling something. Stella turns around and rolls her eyes, still grinning.

“Just another hour. Let’s give her another hour to socialize and thank these people and then we’ll head back to the hotel. You can get into my email and I’ll explain everything to her. Better get ready though. Laci’s going to be livid she’s been kept in the dark.”

“I’ll take care of sweet lips. You worry about the other stuff.”

“The plane will be ready tomorrow night. After the photo shoot, we’ll all go back. On Tuesday morning let’s meet with Chris and then we’ll move forward. I’m ready for this to be done.”

Unbelievable. My brain runs on overdrive trying to process everything Max has told us. Laci is extremely calm despite the fact that she just found out Max is a part of an international corruption scandal and Jake is a federal agent. Surprisingly, they tell her everything. I’m guessing it’s more because she will be helping me represent Hurst & McCoy when the investigation and charges against Edward are announced, most likely later this week. Jake is currently reviewing the email Marshall sent intently, so far it’s uncovered nothing.

“You know there was a time when we shared everything,” Laci’s voice tremors slightly, hurt evident in her eyes. “Chris and Sara knew, why didn’t I?”

“I’m sorry, Lace. You have to understand the position I was in.”

“So what now?”

“We hope Jake finds something. We go home and wait for the announcement of the charges against Edward. We formulate a plan.”

“No more secrets, Stels. I mean it.”

“Don’t be too hard on her, sweet lips—”

“Shut it! You don’t get to tell me what to do. If we were at home, I’d kick her ass. But as it stands, her boyfriend owns my form of transportation home. I’d don’t want him to leave me. And for the love of God! Why do you call me sweet lips?”

“Cause I suspect the minute I taste them, they’ll be sweet.”

Both Max and my head’s snap up at his statement. Laci’s eyes bulge as her face turns a shade of scarlet. “You did not just say that!”

“Sure did, as soon as I’m clear of this case, I’m taking advantage of all the sass you serve up. Get ready.” Jake winks at her and turns back to the laptop.

“I need a drink. No, let me rephrase, I need a few drinks. Does this place have a wine menu?”

“It’s not the Ritz, but it has a very decent room service menu.”

“Order at least two bottles of wine. I’m going to change.” She stands as if she’s leaving, but instead jumps on me, forcing me back on the couch. Her hands come to my sides and she tickles me until I scream.

“Stop, please stop!” I thrash, trying to push her to the ground.

“Never, ever, ever, ever, keep things from me. Promise!” Her legs pin me down and she continues to torture me with her wiggling fingers.

“Promise! If you don’t stop, I’ll pee on the couch.”

“I’ll stop, but only because it would suck having to sit on the floor tonight while I get ridiculously drunk.”

“I love you, Lace. Sorry I hurt your feelings.”

She doesn’t say anything but gives me a small smile as she gets off me. “See you in a few.”

“I’ll walk with you. I need to get some notes from my room. Stella, will you order me a beer?” Jake asks walking to the door behind Laci.

Max’s phone rings while I’m on the phone with room service and relief washes over his face. “Please tell me you’ve got something, Dana.” He listens and looks at his phone several times. “Wait, hold on. I can’t hear you.”

“Babe, I think the phone is interfering with my call. Are you almost done?”