He slices his eyes to me with such intensity I think I have a mini-orgasm in his arms. “I want to lift your ass up, carry you back to the room, and strip you bare. Then I want to finger fuck you until you scream my name. When I know you’re wet enough, I want to slam my dick into you until you can feel me in your chest. I want you to see exactly why I have an apa while you ride me bareback. Then, when you can’t take it anymore, I’ll take over until you can’t move. I won’t let myself go until I see you come at least three times. Then I’ll explode in you and you’ll see stars.” He stops and licks my lips. “How does that sound, Sparkle, can you handle hearing what I want?”

I start to grind on his leg and he knows what I’m doing. This isn’t like our dancing routine; I’m rubbing my center on his thigh. I’m so hot and bothered that I need him to give me release.

“You want me to make you come right now? Here on this dance floor where everyone can see what we’re doing?”

I’m not sure how to do this, but I need it now. “Please, Declan, I don’t know what to do. Can you do this discreetly?” I sound desperate.

He laughs down at me, “Yes, baby, I can do this discreetly. Just hitch your leg around me and I’ll take the lead. When you come, try to stifle your cries in my neck. I don’t want any of these fuckers to see.”

I hitched my leg around him and he keeps dancing. The friction of my jeans rubbing on my sensitive clit is sensational and I know I won’t last long. The silk of my thong is drenched and I can feel his hardness rubbing me right along the edge. Then, without warning, he brings his hand between us and unzips my jeans. His thumb goes directly to my clit and he circles. I’m sweating all over. I can feel it running under my bra and down the edges of my waist. All I can do is hold onto his neck and balance myself with the one leg I have. I know it’s coming so I stare into his eyes. He’s watching me while playing with his ring. That does it; I lift as much as I can and throw my face into his neck as I cry out. I feel the orgasm rushing through my bones. I can’t control myself and I bite down, trying to hold on. After a few minutes, he grips my hips and slowly releases my leg so I’m on my own two feet. I’m not sure if I can stand so I keep holding on to him.

Finally, when my mind comes back to me and I’m no longer dizzy, he loosens his hands. He lifts my chin and leans down, “That was hot as fuck. I’m so hard my balls are turning blue. You’re fucking amazing.”

“Please don’t talk dirty right now. I’m not sure I can handle it. ”

I look around to see if anyone is watching us, but no one’s looking our way. “Just so you know, that was the hottest thing I’ve ever done in my life.” I wink. He grabs my hand and leads me back to the bar.

We have a few more drinks, but it’s pretty obvious I need to go home. When I try to go to the bathroom, I lose my balance. Declan walks me to the door and stands outside while I use the toilet and wash my hands. When I walk out, he picks me up and carries me to the car. I fall asleep on the way home, but I wake to feel Declan putting me in bed and stripping off my shirt and jeans. Then he crawls in beside me and pulls me close.

“Declan, I had a great night. Thank you.” I close my eyes.

I’m seconds away from passing out and I barely hear his response, “Me too, Sparkle.”

“Me too.” He repeats again.

Chapter 15


It’s been two weeks since The Steamroom. Declan and I talk every day and he tries to spend at least three nights a week with me. He hasn’t said it, but I think he’s uncomfortable with his sisters right down the hall. Even though we aren’t having sex, he still acts nervous. I haven’t brought up the subject of staying at his place because he hasn’t asked.

We’ve only been together a few weeks and I’m still not sure how to label us. I’m crazy about him. And every minute we spend together, he makes me feel special. We spend hours at night just talking. We both have a love for music and he’s started talking to me about his writing. We joke about his early days when the band didn’t have a following and would play for free just to get stage time. He even invited Finn to play football on Saturday so they could get to know each other.

Lately, Declan’s been playing two to three times a week around town. If I don’t want to go to one of his shows, I hang out with his sisters instead.

This weekend is the gala event my mom has been working on for the last six months. It’s geared to help families of wounded warriors acclimate to their new surroundings. It’s near to our hearts and we enjoy the event every year. When Finn and Robbie were both wounded in Iraq, we were a family that had endless support. Some families are not so lucky.

It’s Friday afternoon and Finn is picking me up. We’re heading to my parents’ house to help with the last minute preparations for the gala. He’s loading all the swag bags in his truck and I’m in charge of the silent auction materials. We have several rooms booked at the hotel where the event is being held tomorrow night so w

e don’t have to drive home. I was able to get tickets for all my friends, even Harper and Charlie are coming up from Atlanta. I’m glad they get to meet Abbi and Ella before our girls’ weekend. Finn, Robbie, and our friend Max are staying there as well. Max lives in South Carolina and came into town for the event. Declan has a show so he can’t come to the actual dinner but he may meet up with us later.


We get to the hotel on Saturday morning to make sure we have enough time to set up the auction room and reception table. While Robbie and Finn unload the trucks, I check-in and take our clothes up to our rooms. I meet them back downstairs and we spend the next five hours setting up all the displays for the silent auction and the swag stations. I’ve followed my mom’s directions to the letter. I’m satisfied with the way it looks so I head upstairs to start getting ready. The girls texted me that they were here and I told them I’d meet them at the room.

When I get there, Harper and Charlie scream and run to me. We jump around hugging like school girls. We’ve never gone this long without seeing each other. Even though we talk on the phone, I haven’t told them everything about Declan. I hope they can meet him tonight. Abbi and Ella walk off the elevator and see us in our huddle. I introduce everyone as I open the door to our room.

Once everyone’s acquainted, we start getting dressed. I chose to wear a royal blue, one shoulder, tea-length gown with silver strappy heels. Harper ties my dark hair into a low ponytail that drapes over my shoulder. I apply my eye makeup heavier than usual since the dress has a little sparkle in the bodice. I have to admit the whole outfit looks hot. I’m not sure why I have butterflies, but I have a strong feeling tonight is going to be amazing!


The gala is in full swing and everything is perfect. I’m at the table with Robbie, Max, Finn, Abbi, Ella, Charlie, and Harper. My parents come by to introduce themselves to my roommates and hug the guys. After dinner is served, my mom and the other co-chair get up to give a speech. They welcome everyone and explain what the charity is about. Then they open the silent auction in the other room. The mayor gives a warm welcome and introduces the speaker of the night. He’s a wounded soldier that returned to Tennessee after losing both his legs. His story is inspirational and when he’s finished, all the girls at the table are in tears. He gets a standing ovation. After he walks off the podium, the band starts up and almost everybody begins to dance.

A little while later, I’m dancing with Robbie and he asks me how things are going with Declan.

“Robbie, I’m so happy. You should give him a chance. I think you’ll like him.”

“That’s great, Raven; Finn said he thinks he’s truly into you. I only want you to be careful. I take it you haven’t told him about our family yet?”