“He doesn’t know everything, but he knows Dad’s into security. The topic has never come up. Anyways, I think Declan still has a hard time with Finn and my relationship.”

“If you trust him, you should tell him everything. I think his outlook on Finn would change if he knew the whole story.”

“Yeah, you’re right. But how do you explain Dad’s business? Or the danger our family faces every day? Nothing else has happened since Emory so I try not to think about it.”

“I understand that, but if it was me, I would want to know.”

“We’ve only been together a short time. I’ll tell him eventually.”

“Whatever you say, Baby Girl, just be careful.”

We end up at the hotel bar around midnight. My parents decided to go home after the silent auction so we gained an extra hotel room. Finn called his roommates to see if they wanted it and they said yes, so they’re on their way. Harper and Charlie are excited to see the guys; the whole group will be together again. Except for Abbi and Ella, we all grew up together so everyone knows each other pretty well. The guys are surrounding the bar watching college football highlights on TV and the girls have claimed a table nearby.

Well into our second round I hear, “Fuck, it looks like even Finn’s ugly mug can clean up.” Tripp walks up and gives him a shove. Gabe and Jimi are close behind. Max is barraged in man-hugs. Harper gazes at Gabe and it’s obvious to me how she feels about him.

Jimi compliments us, “Seriously, ladies, you look like a group of Glamour Girls. You all look beautiful.” I see Abbi blush as she grins at him.

“Thanks,” we say in unison.

I had sent a text to Declan earlier to let him know where we were, but I haven’t heard anything back from him. I guess he decided not to come. A new round of Cosmos is delivered to our table and we raise our glasses in a silent toast.

Out of nowhere, I feel him. My skin prickles and goose bumps form. I haven’t seen him but I know he’s here. I look around the bar, but can’t find him. Right before I turn away, I catch his eyes staring at me. I rush up to meet him before he even has a chance to make it to our table. I notice he’s wearing black dress slacks with a blue button-down shirt. He’s not wearing his lip ring. It takes a minute, but I realize that we match. He smells delicious and my first instinct is to wrap my arms around his neck.

“Hey there, I didn’t think you were coming.”

He takes my hand and spins me around, “I wouldn’t have believed it if I didn’t see it with my own eyes. You are even more stunning than your picture.”

“What picture?”

“The picture Ella texted me before I went on stage. I swear to God I almost canceled the show right then and there. Instead, I cut it one set short to get to you sooner.”

“Ella sent you a picture of me?”

“Yeah, she said something like, Look what you’re missing! I decided I didn’t want to miss it.”

“You cut your show short for me?”

“Sparkle, have you seen yourself tonight? You look beautiful.” He leans down to my ear, “Actually, you look edible.”

The goose bumps return, and he notices. He grabs me quickly and pulls me back to his lips. Suddenly, I feel myself being yanked back with force.

“What the fuck is going on?” Max asks as he shoves Declan. He looks like he’s about to pound his fist into Declan’s face.

“Max! Stop it!”

I look behind him to see Robbie and Tripp headed our way.

“Max, this is Declan. He is my…”

“Boyfriend.” Declan finishes my sentence. Oh my God, did he just call himself my boyfriend? I was going to introduce him as my friend, but I like his term a lot better. I steal a look at him and grin.

“No one told me Raven had a boyfriend,” he looks at Tripp and Robbie. “You two know about this? Did you check him out?”

Sweet Jesus, I’m going to die from embarrassment. I can’t believe Max would bring that up here.

Robbie answers him, “Max, calm down. We all know about Declan. He is also RJ’s roommates’ brother.”

Robbie reaches out his hand to Declan, “Nice to see you again man. Glad you could make it. Sorry about my asshole friend here, Max. He’s an old friend and was in the Marines with Finn and me.”