Michelle can’t hold it in anymore and drops her head, trying to shield her giggle. Mom shoots her an evil glance, but then her face softens.

“Okay, Quinn Jackson. You drive a hard bargain, but we can’t have Devon break down and ruin months of planning.”

“Hey!” I protest, “I’m innocent over here.”

“Well, you were, but let’s see what happens now.” Jamie hands me the gift Crystal brought in.

I open the card first with shaky fingers.


I’ve told you a million times, but I’ll tell you again. You own my heart. Today, my own fairytale comes true because you are giving me the greatest gift ever… you. Thank you for that gift. I will treasure it until my dying breath.

You will always be my compass.

All my love,


I flip open the small box and suck in a deep breath, feeling all eyes on me. Inside is a diamond and pearl encrusted compass pendant on a delicate silver chain.

The room is silent, no doubt waiting for my reaction. My heart swells so big my chest hurts, but I force back the tears.

I put the necklace on carefully and then straighten and stand tall. “It’s time. Let’s do this.”

Bryce holds his breath, his eyes piercing into mine. I read every emotion running through his mind because they mirror my own.

“I do.” I don’t break his stare. “I absolutely do.”

He exhales and moves to me instantly, his mouth claiming mine with little restraint. Vaguely, I hear the officiate announce us as husband and wife, but I’m lost in a fog. Bryce’s tongue caresses mine gently, and I follow his lead, paralyzed with the

love he’s pouring into me.

A throat clears, once, twice, and on the third time, I finally snap back to reality. Nate mumbles under his breath, and Quinn makes lewd comments when we break apart.

Bryce doesn’t let me go far and presses our foreheads together; his lips stay so close I can feel his breath.


“Yours,” I confirm.


“And always.”

His eyes flash with approval, and he moves back, clutching my hand. We turn to face our small group that is now standing and clapping. Quinn starts whooping, which sets off a reaction from the whole crowd. I turn and reach for my bouquet and am stunned by the look on her face. Her tear-stained cheeks contradict the wide smile. I lean into her arms. Bryce comes to my back and holds my waist as I whisper to her how much I love her.

Finally, I step back, and Bryce leads me down the aisle to more cheers. At the edge of the sand, the wedding planner takes us to a private area so the guests can go to the ocean-front restaurant and start cocktail hour while we do pictures.

“This is probably one of the cruelest things that’s ever happened to me,” Bryce says into my hair, tugging my back to his front.


“The last ten weeks I vowed that you’d have the wedding you deserve—the reception, the cake, the dancing, all of it. But, right now, I’m fighting a battle to take you upstairs and claim every inch of your body. My mouth waters thinking about devouring you. My dick cries to be inside you. My heart races, wanting to hear you call my name as I make you come. I’m literally twitching to steal you away. You are breathtaking.”

I turn into his body and run my hands up his chest. “Pretty sure the sight of you in a tux started my own dirty fantasies.”

“Dirty, huh? Think we can sneak away?”