“Not if you want to live. Steve and Nate are right behind me!” Quinn gives us a warning, and Bryce drops his head to my shoulder, groaning.

Once pictures are over, we join our guests in the restaurant and are bombarded by screams and loud cheers.

Champagne, beer, and wine are shoved our way as Bryce and I try to get around the room to speak to everyone. The small crowd is made up of our families and close friends, which includes some of my cheer group, classmates, and peers from the Summer Expo. Bryce’s guest list is a few of his ROTC buddies and Navy friends. As we make our way around, I spot Dani, Rick, and his girlfriend at a window table. They all wave and raise their glasses.

After Bryce was released from the hospital, Dani showed up at his house one day with a load of food and a sincere apology. Unlike Nicole, she was deeply sorry, and it was obvious she was a much more humble woman. I had already forgiven her, but she won me over that day. During the last few months when I’ve visited Bryce, she and I built a friendship outside of the Navy group, and I became fond of her. So when Bryce made his list, I insisted she be invited. The three of them are now a part of our small crew in Norfolk.

We stop by a few more tables and take some pictures. When we get to Shana, I drop Bryce’s hand and wrap my arms around her.

“There are a lot of things I’ll never understand in my life. One of them being that I married the man of my dreams. The other that my idol is here to witness it. Thank you for coming. I’m not sure how I got so lucky.”

She hugs me back, and a warm tear falls on my shoulder. “I need to thank you. There’s a good chance you helped give me the greatest gift ever.” She stands back and rubs the small bump on her stomach.

“Oh my God! Congratulations!”

I jump to the side and throw my arms around Professor Grant’s shoulders. “This is amazing, Prof—”

“Devon, I think it’s time you call me Henry.”

I nod and look between him and Shana. Both are glowing to the point of blinding. “I guess your special assignment took a turn?” I ask Shana.

“It took a turn in November. I’m now officially based in Charlottesville, Virginia. I never told anyone.”

“Congratulations, Henry.” Bryce shakes his hand.

“I should be telling you the same thing.”

“We’re lucky men,” Bryce agrees.

Henry’s eyes go to Shana and melt when she leans into his side. I reach over and touch her hand. “We got them,” I whisper, and she nods, squeezing my fingers.

“Okay, I hate to be crass, but I’m doing the wedding thing until I can get my bride alone,” Bryce says, leading me away.


Shana and Henry laugh, and she kisses me on the cheek. “Give him control for a bit. Then show him who’s boss.”

I grin in understanding and let him lead me away. We stay attached all night until the DJ announces it’s time for me to dance with my dad.

When I step into his arms, he leans into my ear and talks softly. “Time to give your old man a break.”

“What do you mean?”

“In the last five weeks, you’ve graduated with honors, turned twenty-one, and gotten married. In less than eight weeks, you’ll be covering the Olympics. Think that’s enough for a while. There’s only so much pride a man can have.”

“You got it, Daddy. After this summer, I’ll be a boring daughter. No more extravagance for a while.”

“Love you, Dev.”

“You too.” I squeeze tight, swaying in his arms until the song ends.

“Can I take over?” Bryce steps up, and Dad gives him my hand.

“This time tomorrow, I’ll have you on an island with no sharing for seven days. Clothing is optional,” he whispers and then starts to nibble on my earlobe.

“Optional? Is it a nude beach?” I tease, and he pinches my ass.

“Not funny.”