“Oh, I’m fine, fine. I do love a party. I wanted to run something past you, Jess.”

“Oh?” I say, curious.

She produces a glossy business card and hands it to me. “I’m a literary agent Jess, I represent writers from across the US. I had been meaning to tell you at dinner the other day, when we were discussing literature, but the moment slipped us by.”

“That’s incredible! I thought you really know your stuff when it comes to books.”

“As do you, Jess. After our conversation about your own writing at dinner, I wanted to invite you to send me some of your work to look at. I’d be very interested in building a relationship with you, and possibly even representing you. I’d be very pleased if you would pitch your book to me properly, when we reach dry land.”

I’m stunned, but Ashley’s nudging brings me back to the conversation. “That would be incredible. Thank you so much Ms. Peterson,” I say, breathlessly.

“Not a problem darling. Phone my people and we’ll set up an appointment for the near future.”

She turns and begins to walk away, before stopping and looking over her shoulder at us. There’s a twinkle in her eye.

“You know, I always suspected that you two were faking everything from the start. Or at least, you started by faking it but at some point along the way your feelings became real. Jess, I came from a very poor family and I therefore have rather a soft spot for talented writers who are battling against circumstances out with their control. I’m very happy to be able to help you.”

I swallow and nod, suddenly not trusting myself to speak. As Ms. Peterson wanders off, I sniff a little. It’s suddenly all too much and I bury my head in Ashley’s shoulder.

“Hey, it’s okay,” she murmurs, rubbing my back. I feel stupid and childish, but everything is just so overwhelming and wonderful. I can’t remember the last time I felt so happy and carefree.

Ashley detangles from me briefly to persuade Sandy and Natalie to take care of Alex for a while so that she can take me back to our cabin and calm me down. They readily agree and we thank them.

I start walking towards the corridor when Ashley pulls me back.

“And where do you think you’re going?”

“The cabin, right?” I ask, confused.

She gives me a wicked grin and sweeps me off my feet and into her arms. I shriek and laugh as she carries me along the corridor, my arms wound around her neck. After a bit of a struggle with the door to our suite she gets us inside and kicks the door closed.

Ashley lays me on the bed and kisses me passionately. I smile up at her, thanking my lucky stars that I got trapped on this boat and met her in the first place.



As we fall against the sheets the kiss gets even hotter. I can’t help myself as I push Jess down on the bed, leaning over her like a big cat on its prey. I run my hands over her body, squeezing her breasts through the fabric of her dress.

Jess writhes under me, her body responding to my touch. She’s still wearing that hot little dress and I give the halter neck a hard tug and the knot comes undone, letting her breasts bounce free.

I fall on her, wrapping one hand around her waist to pull her towards me as I lick and suck at her nipples. The sounds she makes are almost as arousing as her response to my attention. She arches her back into me, encouraging me.

I take a moment to slick my tongue across one breast, moving across to the other and savoring the super soft skin between them. She wriggles under me as I press her against my body and grind my hips down against her lower body.

Her legs fall open and her hips go loose. With one hand still wrapped around her waist my other one dives between her legs, massaging her clit and spreading wetness from her pussy up along the inner lips.

How could I ever doubt that this was my girl? She took her underwear off sometime between the party and the suite. She’s a fucking magician.

I can feel her getting wetter as she starts to toss under me. For a few seconds I keep up my attention until she’s gasping and moaning, trembling in need.

I sit up on my knees, settling between her knees. She breathes heavily, eyes closed. The dress is hung around her waist and her red hair is fanned out across the pillow.

She looks up as I start to remove my clothes, tossing them away and not caring where they fall. Jess looks up at me and as she sees my naked body revealed piece by piece her eyes become raw, hungry and fierce.

I run my hands down her thighs, teasing with my thumbs. She shivers and I expect her to wait for my attentions, stay pressed to the mattress like a good girl should.

She sits up with a grow rising in her throat. She grabs me by the shoulders and presses her lips to mine. I feel myself folding under the force of her lust, letting her push me back. Luckily, it’s a big bed and there’s no danger of me falling off.