“We hate to interrupt, but we feel there’s some rather important information we might be missing. Care to clue us in, Ash?”

We turn around to see Hugo and Royston holding glasses of champagne and looking amused. Ashley explains the whole story to them, and then squints up at them.

“Sorry. I know I’ve kind of messed up, but everything worked out okay in the end,” she says sheepishly.

“Oh god, we’re just relieved that Robin doesn’t actually hate us!” Hugo exclaims.

“Yeah, we thought he was avoiding us and then we thought maybe it’s because we might have cheated at poker that one time but then Hugo said it was probably because he just happened to find us at your last party and was royally pissed off. But no, apparently the reason we couldn’t find him on the ship was because you’re here instead so it’s really quite a relief!” Royston adds.

Ashley laughs, relieved, and the two guys hug us both.

“Besides, it looks like the cruise has done you some good. Dare I say it, the famous love rat that is Ashley Carmichael has finally been tamed?” Hugo says, jostling Ashley teasingly.

Ashley gives him a good-natured shove and then links her hand in mine. “Yeah, yeah. Am I ever going to hear the last of this?”

“Oh, from us, probably. But don’t worry, we’ll be sure to tell Robin everything so he can make sure to keep teasing you about it.”

I snicker and Ashley turns to mock glare at me. “Whose side are you on, Cox?”

“I don’t know what you mean I’m sure, Carmichael,” I fire back, before we both start laughing.

The twins begin to sidle away but Ashley stops them suddenly. They look on, slightly bemused, as she waves the two glamor girls from the shop over to us. I realize her plan and nod my head in agreement.

“What?” Hugo questions me, but Ashley speaks before I can.

“Hugo and Royston Wilmingdale, allow me to introduce you to Gail and Sarah. I think you should all get to know each other. You’ll get along


The girls giggle and Sarah flicks her hair back. They grin at each other before Sarah and Gail take the guys’ arms and the four of them head to the bar to get some drinks.

“Good move. Though are you sure the guys won’t be too shell shocked when faced with both of those girls?” I say. Ashley laughs.

“Trust me, you haven’t met some of their ex’s. They like women who can handle themselves. They’ll be totally fine.”

Ashley turns to me, the laughter dying down on her face as she grows more serious. “Hey, Jess? Can I ask you something?”

“Sure,” I say, keeping my voice casual even though I’m suddenly nervous. What would I do if Ashley tells me now that she’s made a mistake, and she doesn’t think we should see each other anymore?

“Well, I just wanted to…I wanted to ask you if you wanted to be my girlfriend. Like, a real girlfriend not just a fake one. And for the long term, not just on a cruise ship.”

She watches me worriedly for my reaction, but my heart feels like it could burst from my chest. I pull her into me for a firm hug and whisper quietly in her ear, “of course I want to be your girlfriend.”

She beams at me, her happiness and confidence returning in one fluid moment. Alex tugs on my dress and I pick him up again. “You okay there, buddy?”

“I want to stay with you forever and ever. I don’t want to go back to mommy or to live with strangers,” he mumbles, and my heart constricts in my chest. I cuddle him close to me, wishing I never had to put him down.

“I love you so much, Alex. And I will do my best to make sure you never have to live with anyone else, okay? But you should never ever doubt that I love you with all my heart, no matter what, I love you more than anyone else in the whole wide world.”

He nods and hugs my neck with his chubby little arms. “Okay Auntie Jess. I love you too.”

I cling to him for a few moments longer, until he starts to wriggle. As soon as I set him down, he runs towards Sandy and proceeds to do some kind of elaborate handshake that the two of them have clearly created.

“He’ll be okay. I promise,” Ashley murmurs, and I squeeze her hand tightly.

“Am I interrupting?” I turn at the sound of the stern but friendly voice and see Ms. Peterson hovering behind us.

“Not at all Ms. Peterson. How are you?”