"But we've been saying that she's second in line for the throne. Hell, she even threatened to take over. How could she not know?" Justice asked, looking upset as Meryn's distress.

"Because to Meryn, becoming second in line to the throne just meant she had family now," Amelia whispered. "That's all she cared about."

Brie turned her attention back to Meryn as the blue light began to grow brighter. Ryuu leaned down. "Listen to me, denka, I swear it on my life, that you will never be forced to do anything that you don't wish to do. If you do choose to take an active role as princess, I will be with you every step of the way. I will not let you fail," he promised.

Meryn finally took a deep breath and slumped backward. It was as if her body had been waiting on Ryuu's assurances to finally relax.

Meryn rotated both of her hands and clutched at her mate and squire. "Please don't let me embarrass anyone," she begged in a small voice.

Kendrick stood, his face etched in anger. "Embarrass anyone and everyone, Meryn, whether intentionally or not. I have spells no one has seen in thousands of years to deal with any puffed up self-important Muppet that tries to hurt you because of it."

"The things I will be doing to him later," Anne murmured. She blushed furiously when she realized everyone turning to look her way had heard what she said.

Meryn's face had a ghost of a smile. "That was seriously cool," she agreed. She let go of Ryuu's sleeve, then practically climbed into Aiden's lap. The large shifter wrapped his arms around her, until only her face and legs were somewhat visible. "Kendrick will only be able to play with whatever scraps remain after I deal with any who hurt my mate."

"That's if Aiden gets to them before me," Thane threatened.

Meryn was now grinning at the absurdity of the testosterone in the room. "I love you guys," she said, looking from Kendrick to Thane. Both witches looked as if you could knock them over with a feather.

Thane cleared his throat. "I love you too," he said gruffly. "After all, you're my godsdaughter."

"She loved me first as her big-brother cousin," Kendrick pointed out.

Thane turned until they were bumping chests. "Don't strain yourself, old man."

Kendrick began to sputter in indignation. "Old man!"

Behind them, Anne was laughing with Justice and Law. He wheeled on his mate. "Don't encourage him."

"Cradle robber," she teased.

Kendrick tried to keep up the offended façade, but Meryn's giggles had his mouth twitching. "I am overly abused."

"You like it, mannequin," Meryn said, causing the Ashleigh brothers to abandon any pretense of decorum and laugh loudly.

"Anne, quit telling Meryn our bedroom secrets," Kendrick exclaimed, causing his mate to choke on her drink.

The door opened, and Portia walked in. She looked at the scene before her and simply sighed. "They're ready for you."

Meryn hopped off Aiden's lap. "We got this," she said, before looking back at her squire.

He nodded. "Yes, we do."

Chapter Eight

As they walked toward the large assembly hall, Brie watched as Meryn's sweats and hoodie become a gorgeous set of golden robes. Her normally whacky curls were slicked back, and crown of silver and gold encircled her head. Meryn really was worried about causing trouble for her family.

The entire group waited at the large set of ivory doors until trumpets echoed through the halls, heralding the queen's arrival. Two by two, their party entered the room and took seats along one side of a raised dais where the queen and Brennus' thrones sat front and center. Flanking them on either side were two smaller thrones. Darian accepted Meryn's hand from Aiden and escorted her to one throne, before returning to his own. To Brennus' left, a panel of four men sat, including Jedrek. She could only assume it was the city's council. They all sat when the queen did.

Portia stepped forward. "Her Majesty, Queen Aleksandra Vi' ÉirDan will now hear the concerns brought forward by Tyrien Ri'Aileanach and Seluden Li'Loudain from our Founding Families." She nodded to Tyrien. "You may approach the throne."

There was nothing in her voice that was rude. In fact, she sounded extremely neutral, but the way Tyrien flinched, you'd think she was calling him out on an embarrassing accident in front of the class. He strode forward.

"Your Majesty, thank you for seeing us today. Having only just returned to our fair city, I myself and others are incredibly concerned over recent changes in regards to your succession decree. We feel as if such changes are indicative of more deeply rooted problems that may have led to many of our people being murdered senselessly."

Brennus raised a brow. "Are you saying that by decreeing that our

son is the next rightful heir, my mate caused the deaths of her beloved children?"