Cord nodded. "Of

course. I will have one waiting for you when you get back."


Aiden turned to Ryuu. "Why didn't you serve her meat? Don't tell me you didn't know that she was sick of fruit."

Ryuu looked down at Aiden, a slightly disgruntled look on his face. "Don't be ridiculous, of course I knew. The reason I didn't serve her anything different was because she didn't ask for it."

In that moment, Brie understood squires a bit more. Had Ryuu simply given Meryn what she wanted, he would have overridden and ignored Meryn's wish to fit in. He respected her enough to give her the space to figure things out on her own.

Aiden sighed. "No matter how important one gets or how high one climbs in our world, there will always be a squire right behind us that is smarter, more capable, and sarcastic prodding us along like toddlers at recess."

The queen laughed. "I'm not too arrogant to say I could have never made it this far without Cord."

Aiden smiled. "Marius practically raised me and my brothers."

Ryuu's expression was priceless, and he realized that Aiden basically just admitted to everyone that he saw the squire as smarter and more capable than himself. "It is our duty, and mostly our delight, to serve those that make a difference." He looked down at his charge smiling softly. "Even if they do need to be nudged here and there like a toddler at recess."

Meryn shrugged. "Nudge away, just keep feeding me."

Ryuu inclined his head. "Yes, denka."

Brie turned as she saw Kincaid lean toward Ari. "Do we really have to attend the Tribunal?"

Ari sighed then nodded. "Unfortunately. As Tau has close ties to the palace, we have witnessed every aspect of the unfolding investigation." He eyed his unit brother in sympathy. "I will speak for us as much as I can."

Kincaid slumped back. "I hate this."

Kendrick sipped his water. "With River's report, it should move quickly. It will mostly be Aleksandra along with Darian and Meryn, reassuring the Founding Family members."

Meryn blinked. "Wait, I hafta go too?"

Everyone nodded as the queen turned to her. "Yes, my dear. You're a princess now."

Brie watched as all color drained from Meryn's face. Meryn looked up at Ryuu. "I can't do this," she whispered, as she began to shake.

Ryuu blinked, then his eyebrows shot up. "Meryn, calm down." He quickly snatched up her wrist as both Thane and Kendrick jumped to their feet.

Kendrick rounded the table. "Ryuu? What's wrong?"

"Her heart is racing out of control."

Kendrick pulled Meryn's chair away from the table, and Ryuu stepped back with it, still keeping one hand around her wrist. On Meryn's other side, Aiden held her free hand and rubbed it soothingly.

"Meryn, you need to take a deep breath in and let it out slowly. On my count," Thane said, kneeling in front of her.

Meryn's eyes were wide as she shook her head. "I can't."

"You can," he repeated softly.

"What is wrong with her?" Brie heard Gage ask Ari.

She turned to them. "A serious panic attack."

Brennus and the queen looked on, both looking distraught. The queen looked up at her mate. "I didn't mean to upset her."

Brennus kissed the top of her head. "I don't believe it was you, dearest heart. I think she only just realized that she is now a princess."