Micah saw Kendrick grinding his teeth. He reached over and patted his leg. "Look on the bright side. At least that red hair stayed in the family."

Kendrick gave a sad smile. "It was the reason why I left, the court nobles said I didn't look like my father. They didn't really know about recessive genes back then." He chuckled. "After my parents were driven away from Storm Keep my father loved tending his garden. Over the years, that much time in the sun turned his hair auburn. I finally saw where I got my hair."

Micah rotated on the bench so he could lean against the table as well. "What do we do now?"

"Eventually I would like to read your Veritas Book." He rubbed his jaw. "For now, we concentrate on curing this virus. Once we're able to leave the city I think a sit-down meeting with the Ironwoods and the Ashleighs is long overdue." He turned his head. "Our enemy is still out there. That level of mass mental manipulation..." He looked around. "Gods! That's why you're here isn't it?"

"Taking my warrior exam was one of the hardest things I had to do. I had to score high enough to be placed with Eta, but low enough that they wouldn't keep me in the city."

"Have you found anything?" Kendrick asked.

"Loads, but nothing concrete enough to explain what happened five thousand years ago. Unfortunately, I've found that vampire abilities are very subjective.

"For example. One day a vendor on Level Six could hear the thoughts of those around her. She described it like her mind had tuned into one station for the day. The following day the ability was gone. In another case a woman was assaulted by her own mate. Unbeknownst to him his anger at her lashed out in her mind. He was absolutely guilt-stricken but swore up and down he had no idea he was doing it.

r /> "The older vampires have more control, but even then, they have to concentrate solely on a single person. Unless we're talking about a vampire with extraordinary abilities, then you would need at least a couple thousand vampires to pull off what happened in Storm Keep."

"Did you only talk to women?" Kendrick asked curiously.

Micah nodded. "Women were easier to get close to. Sadly, most of them simply wanted someone to listen to them." He looked down at his hands. "I've been lying to my unit brothers all these years. My true purpose in getting assigned to Noctem Falls was to learn as much as I could about vampire abilities. I feel like I've betrayed their trust."

"That's not necessarily true. You never outright lied to them and according to Adriel you're the best unit witch in the city. I believe that you have gone above and beyond in carrying out your unit warrior duties. You just had things you couldn't tell them to not only keep them safe, but many others as well. A single mission can carry two purposes Micah," Kendrick said in a firm, but kind voice.

In that moment Micah knew that he was in the presence of his king. "What would you have me do?" he asked. Kendrick could ask him to pretty much do anything that wouldn't put Serenity in danger and he would do it. By asking that question he wanted Kendrick to know that he had his undying loyalty.

Kendrick looked startled at what the question implied, then composed himself. "Flirt. Enjoy being mated. Protect your warrior brothers and the city you serve. There will come a time when I will need your help, but until then, live each day to the fullest. We have dark days ahead and we will need these days to carry us through."

"I can definitely flirt," Micah admitted trying to lighten the atmosphere.

"Don't let your mate hear that. She can literally tie your nuts in knots. I taught her the spell myself."

"Can I tell her about you?"

Kendrick grimaced. "She may end up tying my nuts in knots. But go ahead anyway. There shouldn't be secrets between mates." He looked over at him. "What about the Alpha Unit? Technically they don't have to know that you exist, but since they know everything else it might work in our advantage to have their help later."

"Meryn knows about you?" Micah asked.

Kendrick smiled smugly. "She figured it out on her own based on the last name I chose to return to the city with."

"Ashwood. How did I miss that?" Micah felt like it was obvious now that he knew. "If we tell Alpha about me, can we tell Eta about you?"

Kendrick was silent for a few minutes. "If the men turned out to be anyone but who they are I'd say no. But Adriel is related to Gavriel. Declan is a member of the most political savvy shifter Founding Family in the world, Grant's brother leads the largest wolf pack in the country and he's an Alpha Born, and Etain's family has always served Queen Aleksandra who already knows who I am." He clapped him on the back. "Then there's you. One of the last surviving members of the family my parents trusted the most. I believe I will let you use your judgement on whether to tell Eta and the others or not."

Micah groaned as Kendrick placed that decision in his lap. He started going over everyone else holding up fingers as he went. "It's a given that if the men know, their mates will know was well. Which considering those special ladies I don't think it will be a problem. Magnus of course is a given, along with Caspian since he is a royal, so Broderick will be told. Rex for the same reasons as Declan, probably even more so. Marjoram won't care one way or another she'll still fuss at you and make you cookies." He frowned. "We may have to shackle Law beforehand though, so he doesn't strangle you." He put down his hands having run out of fingers. "Avery, Warrick, Pip and the twins haven't been eating with us at night very much. I'd trust Warrick with my life and I know Avery would never betray us. It just isn't in him. I trust the twins, but they are young. The only ones I'm unsure of are Laelia and Radclyffe Juniper, Pip and whichever guard will be in the room at the time."

Kendrick turned to him. "Laelia and Radclyffe will be fine. They are dedicated heart and soul to the people of Storm Keep. They may actually be needed to act as points of contact in the city, along with your gran of course." Kendrick ran a hand over his mouth. "The twins would rather eat glass than do or say anything to hurt me. They are young, but everyone always underestimates what they've lived through."

"What about Pip?"

"I am going to trust Fate. She brought Pip into our circle for a reason and according to Meryn, he's family now. You didn't mention the squires," Kendrick pointed out.

Micah rolled his eyes. "I have never met better squires in all my life. They would break a confidence right after they killed their charges."

Micah stood and took down the sound proof spell. "Well, dinner will be fun."

Kendrick rose and chewed on his lower lip. "So, shackles for Law, right?" Micah laughed. Kendrick continued. "And you must keep your mate from twisting my nuts, Anne is fond of them."

"You're the big, bad, witch. I'm sure you can handle them," Micah said as they walked out of the garden.