"Go ahead and joke, you've never seen your mate pissed. I have. She is terrifying," Kendrick shuddered.

"You're more scared of my sweet Serenity than you are of Law Ashleigh?" Micah asked.

"You have no idea," Kendrick warned.

In that moment Micah realized he had a new goal in life. To never, ever piss off his mate.


Micah looked down at his mate and wondered what she had done in the past to make Kendrick so afraid of her. All he could see were soft dark curls and creamy skin. Her mouth as moving slightly as if she was talking in her dreams. He loathed to wake her, but in an effort to avoid her getting mad at him he decided to wake her, so she'd have time to get ready.

"Serenity, my one and only, time to wake up," he said gently.

"No," she murmured and turned her face way from him.

"I made you a fresh pot of coffee," he said, enticingly.

"Fresh?" she asked, her head popping up.

"Yes. In fact, you have enough time to enjoy a cup before getting ready for dinner." He wanted brownie points for his efforts.

Her bright smile almost had him throwing his good intentions aside, she was so damn beautiful his body was making its own demands.

"I love you so much," she said in a breathy voice. She stretched and swung her legs over the side of the bed. "Where is that wonderful coffee?"

"On the counter. I left a cup out for you."

She pecked him on the cheek. "Coffee, coffee, coffee," she sang as she walked into the house.

Micah could only hope she'd keep her happy mood after tonight's revelations. Something told him it was going to take more than coffee to calm her down later. He shrugged. Like he told his mate earlier, at least they weren't bored.


Serenity kept turning to look at Micah as dinner started. His heart rate was high, and he was sweating. She was about to ask him what was wrong when Kendrick stood.

"Ryuu, can you ask Hal and Sebastian to step into the room please?" he asked. Ryuu gave a half bow and went through the swinging door to the kitchen, moments later the squires walked back through pushing their serving carts and stood to one side.

Kendrick took a deep breath then lifted his hands at either side of his body. The spell he released not only sound proofed the room, but sealed it as well. No one could accidentally walk in.

Magnus leaned back. "That important?"

Kendrick nodded. "What I am about to share can go no further." He looked around the table. "Where are Warrick, Avery, Pip and the twins?"

"Avery wanted to introduce Pip to my zombie game, so they convinced Marjoram to cook for them on the Unit Level. She's up there now probably giving way my cookies," Meryn said looking perturbed.

"You know gram would never do that Meryn," Ellie chided.

Kendrick turned to Sebastian. "Are we expecting Pavil?"

Sebastian shook his head. "Given the events of the day, I thought a light dinner would be best. It does not take four squires to serve soup and sandwiches. Pavil is taking the night off with Bree."

Kendrick looked to Tarak. "I will need your word that what is discussed will go no further, with the exception of your brother."

Tarak nodded. "You have my word."

Kendrick turned back to the table. "In fact, I will need everyone's word that what is said here will remain amongst us. It's not that I don't trust you, I wouldn't be sharing what I know if I didn't, but I need you to know that lives could be lost if what is said gets out." Serenity nodded along with everyone else. Under the table Micah took her hand. She glanced up at him, his normally laughing eyes were somber. She squeezed his hand gently and he gave a nod.

Kendrick began telling the story of what happened five thousand years ago in Storm Keep, how the king and queen were driven out of their home and how the entire country was made to forget. Varying expressions of disbelief were clearly visible around the table. Only those visiting from Lycaonia didn't look shocked.