"His name is Pavil Desrosiers. He is the Régis squire," she replied demurely.

Vivi wasn't the only one who simply stared. The idea that she had found her mate and had been kept from him while living in the same household sounded like a form of hell.

Beth's eyes were filled with fire as she looked up at her mate. "A fine will not be enough this time."

Gavriel nodded. "Agreed." He turned to Etain. "Would you please go up to Level Three and retrieve Pavil?"

Etain stood and kissed Vivi on the top of her head. "I will return shortly."

Gavriel practically collapsed into Jervasius' empty chair. "We have lost two Founding Family heads in less than an hour." He looked over at Kari, who was tapping away on her iPad. "Kari, please tell me you have an idea how we can salvage this."

Kari looked up frowning. "Of course I do, now hush. I am thinking."

Gavriel rolled his eyes and slumped down in his chair. "I cannot wait for Magnus to return."

Kari gave a final tap then looked at the room. "Okay I have an idea." She frowned at Gavriel. "I would tell you to act your age, but that may have you mummified in the corner." Beth giggled as Gavriel straightened glaring at his borrowed personal assistant. Kari continued. "We are giving Gavriel mystical powers."

Gavriel's mouth dropped. "We are what?"

Kari waved her hand about. "You are the Dark Prince. We could say that DeLaFontaine and Régis looked at you wrong, therefore incurring your wrath and the people would cheer." She smirked at them. "But that would be a waste of a golden opportunity. Instead, we will make a huge general announcement that over time Gavriel has acquired the ability to detect evil in those around him. Now that he has stepped forward to lead the city and has the backing of the Founding and Noble Families, he is clearing house for Magnus. We will simply say that he is starting at the top and working his way down."

Leana clapped her hands together. "That pretty much gives us carte blanche to arrest anyone later with impunity."

Kari nodded. "Plus it will send all the other rats scurrying. We may find a pest or two we did not know about in the scramble."

Gavriel turned to Adriel. "Why is she not in charge again?"

Adriel sighed. "She is smart enough to avoid the responsibility."

Bree looked around eyes wide. "Is it always like this on Level One?"

Beth shook her head. "No, usually we are just sharing updates and eating pudding."

Vivi turned to Bree. "Do Jervasius' sons know you aren't their mother?"

Bree gave a short nod. "They kept quiet of course, to preserve their own way of life."

There was a knock at the door and Sebastian hurried to open it. Seconds later, Etain and a handsome vampire walked in. The man looked around the room before locking on Bree. He was at her side a moment later. "Lady Régis, how can I assist you?"

Vivi gave her mate a flat look. "You couldn't tell him?"

Etain shook his head and sat back down beside her. "There were too many people listening in."

Pavil's eyes narrowed in anger. "Tell me what? What have you done to my charge?"

Gavriel gave him a sly smile. "Your charge or your mate?"

Pavil sucked in his breath and looked down. Bree nodded, wiping her tears. "Prince Gavriel has arrested Jervasius. We are finally free of him." The announcement drove Pavil to his knees in shock. "What?" Bree held his face between her hands. "We can finally be together. The prince will protect us."

Pavil looked over at Gavriel and struggled to stand on shaky legs. He placed his fist over his heart and bowed low. "If I can serve you in any way, you need only to ask." Vivi found herself tearing up as the man choked the words out, he was that overwhelmed with emotion.

Gavriel looked at Adriel, who shot him a questioning look back. Gavriel then turned to Pavil. "How would you like to become the squire for House Ambrosios?"

Beth squealed her excitement. "My love, that is a perfect idea!"

When Pavil swayed Beth hopped up and had him sit down next to his mate. She walked over and sat in the chair closest to Gavriel. Leaning to one side she rested her head on his shoulder.

Gavriel continued. "It is a recently revived house, so there is much work to be done. The living quarters have not been attended to in centuries." He pointed to Adriel and Eva. "They will be the primary ones you will be serving after I return to Lycaonia."