Pavil clutched at his mate's hand tightly. "It would be an honor to serve House Ambrosios."
Adriel looked relieved. "When can you start?"
"Now?" Pavil blurted.
Eva simply shrugged. "Sounds about right." She stood and stretched. "Come on Pavil. Let's go snag a warrior or two along with some of my packmates, and we'll head to your old place to get your stuff."
Pavil's eyes widened, and he jumped to his feet. "Lady Ambrosios, please do not trouble yourself."
Eva waved him off. "I'm feeling kinda restless after hearing about the shit those two assholes have been up to. With any luck, some idiots on Level Three will try to stop us." She flexed her fingers together cracking her knuckles.
Adriel stood and clapped Pavil on the shoulder. "Lady Ambrosios is not like most women."
Bree looked up at Eva in awe. "She is amazing." Eva blushed at Bree's sincere praise. Pavil turned to his mate. "Is this something that you want? You are essentially going from being a Founding Family member to a squire's mate."
Bree stood and took his hand into hers. "I have wanted nothing else since the day we met." She looked over at Eva shyly. "If Lady Ambrosios is amiable to it. I can help maintain her schedule and guide her in navigating the politics amongst the other high-born ladies."
"She's your Yoda," Meryn whispered staring at Bree.
Eva laughed at Meryn's declaration and turned to Bree. "I would appreciate any and all the help I can get." She turned to her mate. "While I go up and get their stuff, you wanna show Bree our new living quarters?"
Adriel turned to Gavriel. "Do you need us for anything."
Gavriel waved them off. "No. You both go get House Ambrosios back in order."
When they left Gavriel exhaled. "I could kill Jervasius for what he put that woman through."
Beth patted him on the leg. "You showed great restraint. I am very proud of you."
Gavriel looked over at Meryn. "It is a scary day when I am leaning towards Meryn's version of politics. I swear it would be easier just to kill him and be done with it."
Meryn looked over at Javier and Simon. "Speaking of politics. What happens to the Régis and DeLaFontaine Houses now?"
Gavriel rubbed his chin. "To be honest I am not sure. I do not think we have ever had a situation here two Founding Family heads were arrested within thirty minutes of each other."
Simon leaned forward. "Jervasius has three sons who can take his place, each one horrendous in his own special way."
Javier grunted his agreement. "Thank the gods Viktor turned out so well," he turned in his chair to smile proudly at his son.
Without missing a beat Viktor smiled. "Must be the genes."
Marie laughed. "Yes, mine." Javier chuckled and brought her hand up to kiss. "Of course darling."
"What about DeLaFontaine?" Kendrick asked.
Simon shook his head. "He has no heir."
Leana frowned. "Does he have any relatives?"
Gavriel looked to the ceiling as his mouth moved. To Vivi, it looked like he was counting. When he looked around he looked surprised. "He is the last of his line."
"Might I make a suggestion?" Kari interjected.
Gavriel indicated the floor was hers. "By all means."
Kari scrolled on her iPad. "I will have to check our records, but I vaguely remember that something like this has happened before. A son was adopted into the bloodline from the highest ranking Noble Family."
Beth's face scrunched up. "That would be DuBois, they aren't much better."