Vivi wanted to sink through the floor when her squire reached out and patted the agitated wolf shifter on the head.

The growling immediately stopped. "Did you just pet me?" The man asked in a low voice.

Ellie jumped between them. "Vivi, Hal, this is my mate Grant Douglas. Darling, this is my other best friend Vivian Mercy and her squire Halbjorn Bergson." Ellie gently took her son and passed him to his father. Grant visibly relaxed and stepped back cuddling the boy. Hal beamed at him. "You have the makings of a great father. Good for you."

Grant still glared at them but there seemed to be less venom in his eyes. "Thank you," he mumbled.

Ellie pulled her forward. "Let me introduce you."

They sat down and by the time introductions were done Vivi's head was swimming. "Is that everyone?" she asked sarcastically as they took their seats.

Ellie shook her head. "Actually no. Adriel and Micah are wrapping up check-ins with the warriors who had patrols today. They should be here any moment."

"Etain may be late too. He had to swing by the hospital to grab some bandages," Meryn volunteered.

Ellie swung around to face the small human. "Why on earth did he need bandages?"

Meryn spun the butter knife on her plate. "He may or may not have been the victim of my horrible throwing skills."

Ellie's eyes widened. "Good gods, what did you hit him with?"

Meryn's face lit up. "A shit pot! I actually found one. I'm glad I talked Magnus into going with me. I meant to toss it to Magnus, but it kinda drilled Etain in the head. On a positive note, I did find some cool stuff for my rewards."

Declan lost his composure. "Our golden boy was brained by our wacky human with a chamber pot," he held his sides as he laughed.

"It was a sight to see," Prince Magnus added chuckling.

Vivi studied the man she had heard so much about. He was nothing like she expected. Hal raised her on stories about the foreboding prince and how he killed to take over the city. The man before her exuded warmth and kindness. She looked over at Hal to find that her squire seemed just as confused as she felt.

"Sorry we are late everyone, but the meetings with the patrol leaders took longer than anticipated."

Vivi turned to see an elegant warrior walk in who looked a lot like Gavriel. Behind him a shorter but no less handsome man walked in grinning. "Evidently, today's visit by the warriors constituted the only company some of the citizens had received in months." He laughed. "They were hard-pressed to get away."

"At least they didn't nearly get brained to death by a poorly aimed chamber pot," the golden giant teased as he closed the door behind them.

"Vivi, this is Adriel Aristaios, Noctem Falls' Unit Leader, Micah Sageson, the Eta Unit's witch and Etain Vi'Aerlin, Eta's fae warrior," Ellie said introducing the trio.

"I said I was sorry, like at least twice," Meryn protested.

Etain smiled at her. "I know. I am only joking."

As they walked by Vivi was overwhelmed by the most amazing smell. Honey. No. Honeysuckle and cinnamon. Vanilla and musk. Gods what was that amazing aroma? She stood.

"Vivi?" She heard Hal ask. She ignored him and followed the smell until she was standing next to where the ethereal looking golden warrior sat.

He frowned up at her. "Yes?" His eyes widened as he stared at her chest.

Using her vampiric strength, she used one hand to push him away from the table before straddling his legs.

"Vivi!" Hal called. "What have you done to her?" he roared.

Behind her, she heard chairs falling as men scrambled past her to restrain her squire. She ignored them and concentrated on the man in front of her. "Gods you smell delicious."

"I can see your light," Etain said choking on the words.

She leaned forward and sniffed the bandage on his head. "Honeysuckle," she whispered.
