She shook her head to clear it of the pleasures promised by the blood pumping through her mate's veins and turned. "Hal!" The woolen bubble that the scent of his blood created popped, and reality came crashing in on her. She hopped off the blond warrior and raced over to where Adriel and Aiden had her squire pinned to the table.

"Let him up, I'm here now," she ordered.

Aiden looked at her dubiously. "Are you sure? He's a strong sonofabitch."

"Yes, I'm sure. Let him go please."

The men let her squire up, and he immediately swept her behind him and backed them against a wall growling the entire time. "He bewitched her. What did you do to her?" he demanded of Etain.

Vivi pushed against her squire's back. "I have met my mate Hal."

He froze, and the growling stopped. He half turned to stare down at her. "What? Are you sure?"

"Yes Hal, she has met her mate, so would you kindly move out of the way?" a polite but dangerous voice asked.

When Hal turned and straightened he was looking eye to eye with the blond warrior. Vivi took a moment to admire her mate's tall, strong body.

"We'll see about this supposed mating," Hal said moving slightly to one side.

"This is like a made for TV movie," Meryn said watching everything with wide eyes.

Etain gently pulled Vivi forward and into his arms. All at once, she was surrounded by his scent again, and she almost moaned out loud. She rested her head against his chest. "It's true Hal. He's mine."

"May I be the first to congratulate you on your mating?" The prince said standing. "Though this may not be the best of times, finding your mate is always a cause for celebration." He turned to Sebastian. "Mayhap some wine will help to relax everyone?"

Sebastian nodded. "Just the thing. Ryuu?" The other squire nodded and followed Sebastian out of the room.

"Halbjorn, will you not sit down with us and get to know your charge's mate better?" the prince asked.

Hal gave a sharp nod. Etain turned with her and led her back to the table. He pulled out a chair for her. When she sat down, he gently pushed her chair in before sitting down himself. Hal took the seat on her other side.

A long silence filled the room.

"Well this is awkward." Meryn announced. Beth just shook her head at the blunt announcement. "What?" Meryn demanded.

"Doesn't announcing something is awkward just make it more awkward?" Ellie asked.

Meryn shrugged. "Probably." She turned to Vivi. "So why is your squire so 'grrr' about you finding a mate?"

Vivi smiled. Meryn couldn't have phrased the question better. "Because he is my only family. He raised from the time I was a baby, so the responsibility he feels as my squire is compounded by the fatherly affection he has for me as my parent."

Meryn nodded. "I bet Marius is like that."

Vivi looked at the human. "Not Ryuu?"

Meryn grinned wicked

ly. "There would be no 'grrr' he'd just kill peeps."

"That is a frighteningly accurate assessment denka." Ryuu said, stepping through the doorway from the kitchen. He balanced a full tray of wine glasses effortlessly.

Sebastian followed behind them. Where Ryuu offered white, Sebastian offered red. Once everyone who chose to indulge sipped on their wine the tension in the room did noticeably dissipate.

Vivi frowned when Sebastian handed a small bottle to Hal. "What's that?"

Sebastian grinned. "A gift from Prince Magnus and his brother Caspian. Our Bethy has recently mated, and we understand the turbulent feelings it brings. What you are holding is a sample of aged vampire whiskey, Forbidden Fruit. That bottle, in particular was made from apples harvested right here on Level One, in the Royal Gardens."

Hal regarded the bottle with interest. "Well now." He uncorked it and drank straight from the bottle. His face brightened. "Well now, indeed." He nodded at the prince at the end of the table. "You have my thanks."