Vivi sputtered in her wine as she was about to take another sip. She felt her cheeks heat up sure they were now crimson.

Adriel cleared his throat. "I hope you enjoy the first night in your new quarters," he said diplomatically.

Etain gave her shoulder a little squeeze. "Oh, we will." He looked down at her. "Ready darling?"

She rose to her feet and set her napkin beside her plate. She turned to Hal and Ryuu. "Thank you for a wonderful meal."

Hal stepped forward. "Get plenty of rest. Tomorrow will be a long day with the different formulas you'll be mixing."

"I will. Aren't you coming?" she asked.

Hal nodded. "I'll be along in a bit. I am going to help clean up here then go through my kitchen again to see if we need anything."

Vivi had a feeling she would have to pry him out of his kitchen in the future. "Goodnight everyone," she said walking out with her mate and the others.

When they got to their door Etain chuckled as they waved goodnight to Adriel, Eva, Beth and Gavriel from across the large alcove. "It feels like the Unit Level when we go inside our own houses at the end of the day."

When they shut their door behind them the first thing Vivi noticed was the quiet. In the Rioux quarters something was always happening. It's where people had meetings and where they ate their meals. To go from being surrounded by so many

people to being alone with her mate felt strange.

"It's almost too quiet," Etain whispered.

"Why are you whispering?"

He shook his head ruefully. "No idea."

Vivi studied the room. "I really love it, what you've done to our home."

Etain walked over to a wooden side table and lifted square looking box. Gently he lowered a small arm and moved it over. Soft jazz began playing in the room.

"Is that a record player?"

He nodded. "They produce the best quality of music." He held out his hand. "May I have the pleasure of this dance?"

She placed her hand in his, and he swept her up in his arms. They swayed together to the bluesy music of the past, letting the entire day drain from them.

"I had so much fun during Prohibition," Vivi murmured into his formal fae robe.

"Did you cause trouble? Were you a bootlegger?"

"Of course not. I was a singer at the Vamp Lounge."

He pulled back to gauge her expression carefully. "Are you joking?"

"No. I was stuck on a project and decided to head out among the humans for some fun. It had been awhile since I'd last gone out by myself. I was astounded by the clothes and music. Gods, the music! Since I was sensitive to sunlight, I usually went out after dark, which during that time meant I was just showing up as things were getting interesting. At first, I would hum along, but one night the bartender heard me and stuck me up on stage. I stammered and said I wasn't a singer, but no one cared. They said to give it my best shot, and the rest was history. I put my project on hold and delved into the nightlife of the Roaring Twenties."

Vivi smiled when a tune she was familiar with came on, so she began to sing for her mate. She stepped out of his arms and sashayed to the record player. She turned back to him and moved her hands down her dress. With her eyes, she told him how much she wanted him while she breathed the music. She felt exaltation race through her. She had forgotten how heady it was to sing for someone.

With every note, her mate's eyes grew darker until they were almost brown in color. He watched her every move. His breath subconsciously syncing up with hers. Through her, he lived each note. The song allowed her to weave the tale of a young man coming home from the war and the joy of being with his true love again, and how all the pain and suffering had been worth it because he had protected her.

When the song was over, he had tears in his eyes. "You have quite undone me, my love. Will you leave me in such a state or will you bring us both the pleasure we want in fitting our broken pieces together to make a single joyous whole?"

She walked over, simply took his hand and led him toward their bedroom. When she reached their door, she unlocked it with her hand and walked into the newly decorated master suite.

Still moving to the rhythm of the song in her heart, she began to strip out of her clothes. There was only one type of music she wanted to be making right now, the kind that involved low moans, breathy gasps and passionate shouts.

When she was naked, she turned to see his state of undress and was brought up short, he was still fully clothed. She stared at him confused, then remembered her earlier comment. Giving him a sultry smile she walked up and pressed her body against his.