Aiden stood and scooped Meryn up in his arms. Instead of protesting Meryn simply rested her head on his chest looking sleepy. Aiden turned back to Rheia and Ellie. "Anything I should do?" Both women shook their heads looking amused.

Vivi put on a serious face. "You shouldn't feed her after midnight."

Aiden nodded. "Anything else?"

"Try not to get her wet," she advised fighting to keep her expression professional.

He blinked. "No sex?"

Vivi cracked up at his tragic expression. Meryn thumped in on the chest and glared at her. "No, she's calling me a gremlin, the heifer!"

"Meryn, she's a princess now," Beth admonished gently.

Meryn blinked her eyes innocently. "I'm sorry... Princess Heifer!"

Vivi just wiggled her fingers at her. "Night, night Gizmo."

Before she could respond Aiden carted her off toward their bedroom. Vivi couldn't help grinning. "I adore that little midget."

"I'm not a midget!" they heard Meryn yell from the hallway. Everyone cracked up.

Beth turned to Vivi. "Why do you agitate her?"

"Besides it being so easy? I don't know. It's weird. I feel like we're bonding over insults."

"I think Vivi found the quickest way to get Meryn to accept you," Kendrick mused. "It's kinda of sad, but considering Meryn's background, she is apt to distrust you if you're too nice. But Vivi's teasing makes her feel accepted, not bullied."

Law growled low in his throat. "Do we know for a fact that anyone that abused her is dead?" Kendrick just stared at him until Law held up his hands. "Just checking."

"As if I wouldn't follow up on something like that? I take a twisted delight in rationing out punishment to bullies." Kendrick admitted. Anne patted his arm. "At least you're honest about it."

Gavriel, Beth, Adriel and Eva also stood. Gavriel gave a half bow. "We will take our leave as well. It will be the first night we spend in the Ambrosios quarters, and Beth and Eva still have much to show us about our new home."

Law stretched in his chair before turning to Rex. "Come on, I will look at that hand for you in your quarters."

Rex's face brightened. "That would be appreciated. I'm pretty sure I broke something, it's taking forever to heal."

Law leaned in. "Don't worry, I'll take care of you."

Declan's eyes were practically bugging out of his head, but his lips remained sealed. Vivi felt bad for a moment for teasing him. He obviously cared for his brother and wouldn't interfere if he thought that it would hurt Rex. But that moment quickly passed as she realized that he was just too perfect of a target. No wonder Law loved teasing him. Declan's facial expressions broadcasted exactly what he was thinking.

"You might want to give him a full body scan. A floating bone fragment can wreck havoc if left unattended," Vivi suggested.

"What!" Declan exclaimed standing.

Law nodded with a serious expression. "Good point."

Rex shrugged. "Whatever you think is best."

Law stood with Rex, his back to the table. He gave her a hidden thumbs up and walked out with the Elder.

"But..." Declan looked around helplessly.

Kari took pity on her mate. "Let us turn in as well. Things will seem better in the morning."

"But..." Declan didn't know which way to turn.

Etain stood and rested a hand on her shoulder. "We will say goodnight too. There is one particular feature of our new home that I am dying to show Vivi."