Hal chuckled. "I need to order some fabrics right away to get started on baby clothes."

Across the table, Meryn began to choke on her pudding. Immediately Aiden and Ryuu were at her side gently pounding on her back. Looking up she stared at the huge squire. "You make baby clothes?"

Hal nodded and jerked his head toward Vivi. "Granted not for a long time now, but yes, I do sew."

Meryn's eyes were wide. "I know she said squire, but I was thinking more like bodyguard."

Hal rubbed a hand over his bushy, red beard. "I do that too."

Meryn's face contorted. "So you're like a Viking Martha Stewart?"

"Meryn!" Aiden exclaimed.

Hal burst out laughing. "That sums it up nicely. But Meryn, most squires cook, clean, sew and act as a bodyguard. Does yours do any differently?"

"No, but he doesn't look like he eats trucks either," Meryn answered.

"Not in this form at least," Ryuu murmured under his breath as he set a fresh bowl of pudding before his charge.

Vivi relaxed against her mate as her squire laughed uproariously. She could tell that he was taken with the tiny, blunt human. She was glad to see that the doubt and fear were gone from his eyes, replaced with love and hope. With a few simple sentences, her mate helped her only family smile again.

"Thank you," she whispered into his ear. His arms tightened around her. "There is nothing I would not do for you," He kissed her temple and held her close.

"Vivi, whenever you're ready, we can head to the lab. I'm anxious to see what you make of the magic." Ellie said smiling.

"Magic?" Vivi frowned.

Ellie grimaced. "Using a of process of elimination we ruled out a bacterial infection leaving us with a virus as the culprit. That was pretty standard. But what makes this whole thing even trickier is that there is magic in the virus. The only reason we could see the virus at all, even using Clara's blood, was due to the sparkling light the particles of whatever spell was used were emitting. I may have missed it altogether otherwise."

"Now's good. Though, I don't have much experience with magic." Vivi stood and cracked her back. If there was magic in the virus she needed to get started right away.

Around the table, Ellie, Rheia and Kendrick also stood. Kendrick kissed his mate before walking over to the door and opening it for them. "That is where I come in. After you ladies."

Vivi looked down at her mate and blushed. "I guess I will see you later?"

He nodded. "I will be in your quarters getting to know your father figure better. He is family now."

"I'll bring the whiskey," Hal offered gruffly.

Vivi looked between the two men of her life. "Have fun." She walked around the table to join Kendrick by the door.

Rheia kissed Colton before snagging a couple of cookies while Ellie kissed both her mate and son. "Don't wait up for me. I'll be along as soon as we're done."

Grant nuzzled the side of Ellie's neck. "Call me when you're ready to come home. I'll come down to meet you."

Ellie kissed him. "I'm sure Emeric can escort me. It is kinda his job."

Grant grumbled under his breath. "Fine, but if anything happens, I won't be happy."

Vivi looked between the two. "What could possibly happen?"

Ellie blushed. "So telling you about the virus was part one of my story." She looped her arms with Vivi's. "As we walk to the lab I'll tell you part two."

"Walk slow so I can eat my cookies," Rheia said.

Ellie nodded.

When they reached a long hallway Ellie smiled up at her. "So there may have been a few murders and attempted murders I forgot to mention."