Declan nuzzled his mate. "But Kari, I am happy for my brother. I have to torture him to show him I care."

Kari shook her head and sent her a sympathetic look. "The boys think they are clever sometimes. It comes and goes."

"Ahh. Good to know," Vivi said playing along.

Declan frowned. "I am always clever."

Kari patted him on the arm. "Yes, dear."

Vivi turned to Hal. "Are you okay settling in here?"

"That depends. You are coming back here tonight aren't you?" her squire asked raising an eyebrow.

Behind her Etain leaned in closer. "We'll both be sleeping here tonight. I believe that it is imperative for Vivian stay on this level to work in the lab and I, as her mate, of course will be with her." Hal glared at her mate.

"Don't worry Etain, the twins soundproofed the new guest quarters so you can get your freaky deak on without worrying that the red giant will kill you in your sleep," Meryn announced grinning.

Vivi looked over and met Meryn's eyes. The little midget had gotten her back for the 'being grown' comment. Meryn stuck out her tongue.

Hal heaved a great sigh. "I suppose he can stay with us."

Vivi felt a moment of unease. Her squire sounded like he was saying goodbye. When he looked at her his eyebrows shot up. "What's the matter my little love?"

"I've dated before now, why would meeting my mate be any different?"

Hal waved his hand about. "They were, how would you describe them? Temporary? An amusement?"

"A fuckboy?" Meryn volunteered.

Hal nodded. "I like that term." He looked back at her. "I knew they would come, then go. No pun intended." She gave him a flat look, and he continued. "Etain will stay. You won't need me anymore."

Vivi felt her mouth drop open as her eyes immediately filled with tears. Without thought to decorum, she launched herself at the man who raised her and wrapped her arms around his neck. "I will always need you!" She buried her face against his chest. She looked up as tears trailed down her cheeks. "Am I not your little girl anymore?"

Hal settled her on his lap as he had done a million times before in the past. To him, it didn't matter if she was five or seven-hundred and five. "You will always be my little girl, no matter what. However, you have a mate to tend to you now."

Vivi looked over her shoulder at her mate who watched them patiently. There was no censure or anger in his gaze, only acceptance. She begged him with her eyes. "He's my only family. He is both mother and father to me. I can't lose him."

Etain moved over into her chair and rubbed her back. "Who said anything about him leaving? He is also your squire is he not? I don't know about you, but I'm not the best when it comes to being domestic. I pay a nice motherly citizen from Level Five to clean my home once a week and to do my laundry. I either eat with the men on the Unit Level or grab something from Level Six. If anything, Hal is needed now more than ever." He paused before his face lit up with a huge smile. "Especially if we have children right away as seems to be the pattern lately."

Vivi held her breath as Hal's muscles tensed under her hands. She looked up at her squire, and he stared down at her mirroring the shock she felt. Suddenly, he was grinning from ear to ear. "A baby?" Gently he passed her over to her mate. He was still smiling like an idiot when he poured himself a half a glass of the whiskey that the prince had gifted him. He raised the glass to the ceiling. "May the gods be willing." He shot back the liquid and laughed.

Vivi looked up at her mate with a sour expression. "You seduced my squire."

Etain shrugged a smile tugging at the corners of his mouth. "It seems that he and I agree on something."

She sniffled suddenly feeling embarrassed. When she looked around the table all she found were varying degrees of affection and understanding.

"Sorry about that display," she said ducking her face against Etain's chest.

"Nothing to be sorry for at all my dear. Your world has just changed significantly. If we can help in any small way, it would be a privilege. There is nothing as sacred as the bond between a girl and her loved ones," the prince said smiling at his niece with nothing but affection shining from his eyes. He nodded at Hal. "And nothing more anticipated than a grandchild or grandniece."

Beth smiled. "It could be a grandnephew."

Prince Magnus shook his head. "I do believe your child will be the most perfect little girl, just as you were."

Beth blushed. "Oh, Unky."

Sebastian set a huge slice of cake in front of Hal. "When the time comes, I can show you all the places I ordered from for our Bethy. The things they have for babies now! I could spend all day looking at things online." He sighed happily before leaning down. "Personally, I like the baby duck theme."