When she heard a growl next to her, she turned smiling softly. Her way of apologizing and hopefully it would work. It must have because Damien turned his head back towards the stage. So she didn’t dwell on the fact that she had been thinking intimate thoughts of another man, while her man read her every thought.

“Ladies and Gentleman this song goes out to a very special friend of mine. He once helped me get my start and without my man Damien, I wouldn’t be where I am. Taylor you have yourself a good one. Hang on and enjoy the ride, Girl!”

The crowd erupted as a the female feat to the next song came out on stage. The music started and why it took Taylor so long to figure out what was happening she had no idea. Maybe it was because her favorite country artist and her boyfriend were friends, or maybe it was because he had told her to hang on and enjoy the ride.

Damien grabbed her by the waist and spun her into his arms. While the crowd continued to scream, hoot and holler, Damien began to move. He pressed his hips into hers in beat with the music. Taylor however really didn’t care about the sound around them only the erection she felt pushing against her.

“Many more to come Sweet.” His lips were on hers, fading out the music that was distantly in her ears. The thrusting of his tongue into her mouth made her feel as if they were alone. Not that she cared. She would let him kiss her like that anywhere and anytime he felt like it.

Song after song played. She danced, she sang and she enjoyed being there with him. When the show was over, Damien led her back to the limo. Never in a million years would she have thought she was glad to be leaving a concert.

It wasn’t that she didn’t enjoy it. She just wanted to be alone with her man and enjoy him. His touch. She wanted him.

Chapter Eleven

“You look excited Damien. What do you have up your sleeve? Should I be worried?” She urged for an answer. For some weird and trying reason she felt a spasm of panic rushing through her body.

“What if I told you, I was about to make all of your fantasies come true tonight and tomorrow and tomorrow night?”

“I’d say we are only here for the weekend and there is no way you could do that. You may be able to do many great things, but unless time altering is one of them, it’s not possible.”

His laughter was exhilarating. Nerve calming and contagious.

“Oh my Sweet. You have no idea.” His laugh was devilish. Taylor was nervous about where he was taking her to but at the same time, enthusiastically and impatiently waiting.

“You mean you can control time?”


“So why didn’t you just ‘Scotty Beam Me Up’ to where ever you’re taking me? Wouldn’t that be a lot quicker and give us more time to whatever you plan on doing?”

Immediately he erupted in laughter. “I will forever think of that each time I ‘Scotty Beam Me Up’.” She was beginning to wonder if he was going to be able to finish what he was saying for all the hilarity apparently.

The car slowed. Taylor looked around nervously. “We aren’t in Denver anymore Dorthy.” She says comically looking out the window. She looked at the large building resembling a warehouse and if it wasn’t for the Neon Green flashing light “If You Dare” flashing above the door, that is what she would have assumed.

Damien opened the door and waited for her to take his hand and stepped out. She glanced from the building to him and back to the building. Hesitating tremendously. Now that she was there, she was surprisingly reluctant to get out.

Her hand trembled as she placed it in his but she still sat there staring at the building. She couldn’t find the will power to move. “I didn’t want to do this but you leave me no choice. I fear by the time you get out of the car it will be the wee hours of the morning.”

He smiled and a feeling of warmth covered her. Calming her. She instantly stood. He moved behind her. His hands gripped her hips. Then without moving his hands he moved to the side of her. “Shall we?” He knew damn well that was a yes.

She took a deep breath as the door opened meeting a man. The music blared. People were dancing, drinking and having what appeared to be a wonderful time. Her inner self laughed almost hysterically as it called her a chicken shit. Why was she so scared was beyond her.

She turned watching as Damien was handed something at the door and then came to her. “Let me see your wrist Sweet.” She inspected the white band he clasped to her wrist.

“Uh. Thank You.” She didn’t know what else to say. It was plain and plastic. What was there to say?

“Now, here’s mine.” He held up a gold band to Taylor waiting for her to take it from him. What the hell am I supposed to do with this? “Fasten the band to my wrist.” Still totally confused she took the bracelet and placed it on his wrist then, stared at him waiting for an explanation as to why they were wearing what looked like 25 cent bracelets. Her thought sent a devilish smile to his lips which only caused her to react.

“I am so glad I could be your entertainment for the night.” Her mood had changed to a serious one.

“That’s where you have it wrong Sweet. I am your entert

ainment for the night. I have one request. No irrelevant questions tonight.” Irrelevant. What kind of questions are irrelevant? “Taylor, please.”

“Fine. But I don’t understand this the least little bit.” She looked down at her bracelet, over at his, and then back at him. Again he only smiled grabbing her waist and nodding towards the tables. They sat down and immediately a waitress was there.

“What can I get you?” She waited for him wondering what he was going to order for her.