She was turning several shades of red at this point. She had never in her life felt as embarrassed as she felt right now. She wanted to look away but she couldn’t. Her eyes remained sealed to his.

“You’ll see. Because I want it to be. And with every ounce of my being yes. But you already know that. I’ve told you that already.”

She thought that her heart was surely about to leap out of her chest. Am I happy? Is this what I really want? Am I leading him on or am I falling into his trap of seduction? And just so you know there is a difference in loving me and being in love with me.

“Don’t over think it. I know you feel the same way about me. I feel it. You may not admit it right now, and that is perfectly ok. Just don’t fight it either. Enjoy our journey together. And wherever it takes us, know that every action I take is for you.”

What does someone say to that? She was the one now staring at him. She was speechless. Totally and utterly blank. She knew she should say or do something but she couldn’t.

“Who ordered the cheeseburger?” The waitress was back with her food and she couldn’t have come at a better time. Damien pointed towards her without taking his eyes off of her. She broke the eye contact looking over at the waitress. Although she was sitting the plate down in front of Taylor the waitress was fixated on Damien.

My man! Taylor found herself fighting her emotions again. The emotion that wanted her to slap the waitress back into reality, teaching her a lesson in manners. One that she would remember for the rest of her life. That it was not ok, to strip another woman’s man right there in front of them.

She heard Damien clear his throat causing her to turn back to him. She was heated. Outraged by the waitresses not a care at all that Taylor was sitting there attitude. Knowing that jealousy was being felt on both sides of the table, Taylor still didn’t care.

She doused her fries with ketchup and commenced to eating. Twenty minutes later she was stuffed to the hilt and no longer feeling the slightest inclination of jealousy. His face had relaxed. She finished her beer then he stood. Excitement grew knowing he was taking her somewhere else. The somewhere he was keeping a secret.

“Are you ready because you’re right, we have somewhere we need to be going. It’s gonna be starting soon.”

“What’s going to be starting soon?” She knew it was a piss pour attempt at prying it out of him but she was hoping it worked a little.

“You’re gonna love it. Don’t worry.” He smiled taking her hand escorting her outside, leading her to a limo. Her excitement hit another level. She had never been inside a limo and always wondered what it would be like. Then for a moment she thought maybe she should have chosen a gown instead. He was dressed in black slacks, black shoes, black blazer, and a white button up shirt. The top two buttons remained open.

They pulled up outside a chaotic

huge dome like building that was crowded with people. She didn’t know what he had up his sleeve but the wait was gonna be long.

“We won’t be waiting. Come on.”

A man opened the door leading them right passed everyone else and inside. He gave each of them a hard plastic card with a tie on it. She looked down and it took everything in her to keep from jumping up and down.

“Jason Aldean. Are you shitting me?” She gleamed at him.

“No,,,I’m not shitting you. You know I really never got that expression.”

“You know what it means. Thank You for this.” She planted a small kiss on his cheek not trusting herself to touch anything else.

“Come on let’s put these back stage passes to good use.” Gripping her hand they go in. First thing right off the bat, he grabbed her a beer which was very welcomed. They headed back and it was crazy back there. People were running around like chickens with their heads chopped off. She felt uneasy. She didn’t know where to step to be out of the way. She really just wanted to take their seats. This was nothing like she had expected it to be backstage.

“Ok. We can go.” She looked up at him giving him an apologetic shrug of her shoulders. She didn’t know why the herds of people running around her made her nervous but it had.

He walked them through the people that were standing around right up to the front. This was something she could handle. She was full of relief and excitement at the same time.

As the lights dimmed down low, she waited for the band to come on that opened for him. “We missed them. We didn’t have time for both of them. Are you to terribly disappointed?”

“No. I couldn’t be disappointed.”

With a bang the lights came on. The music was blaring. She felt herself full of eagerness. She stared at the stage as the reason they were there made his way out. He reached for the mic and started. Taylor listened to him sing song after song but thought about riding Damien’s big green tractor came to mind.

“Interesting. I just happen to have one in Montana. It’s not far from here for me you know.” He teased her.

“And miss this, I don’t think so. Now after the show if you wanna do a little blink and take me there, I’m game.”

“Oh Sweet, you’re not getting out of later. I know what you’re up to. The show is only an hour and half, watch it.”

He knew exactly what she was trying to pull. She didn’t even know why. She only assumed again it was the fear of the unknown and Liz’s text messages playing with her.

As her favorite song began to play she was amazed. She was so tuned into the artist and his God given voice she had completely forgotten that Damien stood next to her. She stared at his holey jeans and wondered if he too was like that of her favorite book. Immediately she thought he must have one lucky wife. If he could move like that on the stage, imagine what he could move like other places as well.