“A few. Let me know.” Was his last remark as he walked out the door. Damn she hated to see him go, but she didn’t mind the view from staying behind.

“Mommy you ok, your face is really, really red?” She startled at Ashley’s question. “Is that what happens when a boy kisses you?” She was so serious.

“Yes, I’m fine. No that’s not what happens and let’s get this homework done so when he gets back we are all done ready to go.”

“Ok first word blue.” She watched as they both started writing their spelling word three times. They go through each word before Taylor remembered what he had said. Pepperoni please with extra cheese.

Eight more words later and just in time, they were done and the pizza was back. “I stopped and rented a movie for us to watch while we eat if that’s ok.”

“Depends on what movie you got. These two are picky if you haven’t noticed.”

“Well I thought of that. And then I also thought that I couldn’t go wrong with something they haven’t seen before so I chose. Harry and the Henderson’s.”

“What?” Zach asked.

“Are there any princesses in it?” Ashley questioned.

The ‘oh shit’ look on his face made Taylor hide her smile. He really did care what they thought and how they felt.

“Well no, there aren’t any princesses in it because well, I couldn’t find a movie with a princess as pretty as you.” Damien told her. Taylor thought how impeccably genius his words were at times. Perfect answer as her face lit up responding and understanding what he had said.

“Can we watch it now?” Zach’s voice was full of excitement as Taylor was sure because the movie didn’t involve a princess or pink. They both turned looking at her waiting not so patiently for her answer.

“You put the movie in and Damien and I will get your plates ready ok.” The words had hardly left her mouth and they darted off to the living room.

She looked over at Damien as she closed the gap between them, this time taking the lead she kissed him. Not a kiss of the lust that took control of her body whenever he was around or in her thoughts. But her way of showing him how truly thankful she was for him and what he was doing with her kids, for her kids, and for her.

When she finally tapped into her will power and ended the kiss his eyes smiled back at her hitting her with an unexpected feeling. No don’t say it. Don’t think it. She quickly turned away and started grabbing plates and glasses. His arms came around her waist pulling her back into him. He rested his chin on her shoulder.

“Thank You. I needed to hear that.” And then he released her. When they finished with preparing they carried them to the living room. Zach and Ashley had the movie ready and were sitting at their Mickey Mouse table waiting patiently.

Taylor took her spot hitting play from the remote. She listened as Zach and Ashley laughed harder than she had heard them do in a while. She was more amused with watching the twins than watching the movie. She found herself laughing just as hard as they were.

She sat her plate down on the coffee table snuggling in close to Damien taking in his scent. Trying to take it all in, so her nares were programmed to remember it on her command. The feeling of being in his arms, snuggled against his chest.

“Same way here Sweet.” His words were filled with a deep emotion leaving Taylor wondering which emotion it was.

“How did you know what I didn’t say or think for that matter?”

“Because I felt it the same time you realized what it was. I know we only just met officially three days ago, but it was meant to be. Fate. I love you. You love me. You’ve made me a very happy vamp as you so often refer to me.” She could feel his grin.

She did love him. She didn’t know how. She didn’t care why. She knew it was crazy as hell though. Three day and she was in love with a vampire. A Vampire! It didn’t even bother her that he was technically dead. No heartbeat. So why was it she had never felt more alive than she did around him?

She heard him growl and she knew it was her uncontrollable thoughts, that had his undies in a wad but she couldn’t exactly help what thoughts invaded her head. My fucked up head.

“If I hear you refer to your pretty little head again as fucked up you won’t be able to sit down for a week. Understand me?”

“Yes Sir.” She fought not to laugh.

“Now that’s what I’m talking about. Definitely more like it.” He chuckled back at her.

“Shhh.” Ashley turned to them and then quickly she was back watching T.V. and Taylor again had to struggle with the urge of laughter. She laid her head back into his chest trying to concentrate on Harry and not Damien’s scent.

Chapter Nine

Her eyes opened to the movement of floating. Damien carried her to her bed and laid her down softly. She rubbed her eyes clearing the sleep and feeling of sand. “Where are the kids?” She asked as she stretched out.

“Tucked nice, warm and snug in their beds.” He tugged at the buttons on her flannel shirt smiling at her.