“I didn’t read them a story. I always read them a story.” Guilt filled her voice. Every night since they were one I have read them a story. This was the first time I hadn’t other than our one date night.

She didn’t feel guilty that night because she wasn’t home and that in itself was enough to make her guiltameter go off the charts. But this was different. She was home and she didn’t read to them.

“I took care of it. Ashley picked A Princess and Me, which was rather interesting by the way. Zach chose Away which is a rather long story I might ad. He didn’t make it through the first two chapters and he was out cold.” He opened her shirt and started planting sweet little kisses up her abdomen.

“They didn’t get a bath.” He stopped.

“They have been fed, bathed, played with, and tucked in nice and tight, and their stories read. I took care of it. Just lay there with your mouth shut, stop worrying and let me do what I do best.” His words were strong.

> She didn’t know how to take him in this moment. Was he irritated or was he something else.

“Oh it’s definitely something else.” She heard the passion blooming out from his voice now and she liked the something else he was talking about. She liked it a lot.

“What’s your favorite book?” He questioned her. What? Really? Seriously? You want to know my favorite book while you are kissing my breast?

“Yes. Just answer the question. You’re tense. You need to relax.” He didn’t stop his journey of kissing every last inch of her chest, abdomen and neck.

“I’ll relax if you keep doing what you’re doing.” She was procrastinating, trying to get enough time maybe he would forget the question.

“If you don’t answer me. I won’t keep doing what I’m doing and this time I will leave you hanging and I know you don’t want that.”

“I’m not telling you.” There is no way in hell. You know it already you just want to hear me say it.

“You can say it, or I can spank you until you say it. I hope you go with option B as I do love it when my hand stings.” His voice was filled with excitement.

Well thinking of that isn’t exactly gonna make me relax. “Um, how about I just tell you you’re on the right track.” She heard his chuckle the same time she felt it vibrate against her skin.

“Oh gotta love kink.” Her breathing became unsteady and suddenly she was regretting reading that series after all because apparently he knew it to.

“Um, I didn’t like all of it you know.” Her voice shook . Again his laughter which sounded almost evil was heard. She grew nervous inside. Apprehension soon faded away quickly as his fingers tugged her sweats, sliding them down torturously slow down her legs and off.

“Not tonight Taylor, but soon. Very, very soon.” Were the last words to her before he positioned himself above her and thrust his cock deep inside her plunging away all her worries and fears.

“Oh,,,” She cried out moaning as he picked up the pace. Taking her to places she had never been before even with him. Every time they made love he up’d the ante higher than before.



“Oh,,, sweet mother of God.” The explosion of her orgasm and the feel of him thrusting in and out of her brought stinging tears to her eyes. Hell with fighting them. It felt so good to be with him, in his arms, his cock filling her to the max, and his scent filling the air around them.

“Damien, what’s it feel like?” She wanted to know. She felt him hesitate as he stilled.

“Well, honestly, a lot like now. It’s not like the movies where blood sprays everywhere, it’s more erotic. Arousing. It’s hard to explain it.” His lips curled as he began to thrust again.

“Do it.” This time she wasn’t asking him for anything, she was telling him. But again she stopped all movement.

“Taylor, I don’t feed from humans. I told you that.” His words were almost harsh.

“I want to know what it’s like.” Damn you!

“Taylor, you don’t understand.”

“I do. Do it!”

“If I do this, you promise me right now, you’ll be mine forever.” His eyes were turning red. He was excited. But was it from feeding or from her?

“Ok. Forever. I promise.” Those were the last words before he was kissing her body again.