Page 81 of The Big Break

“Really? That’s great, Tim. Good for you.” Jun was happy for him. He’d always want to franchise his gym across the islands, and it sounded as though he was on the verge of doing just that.

“I need someone to run it when it opens in six months.” Tim stared at her, his blue eyes steady. “I want that person to be you.”

“Me?” Jun was completely taken aback. She’d never considered running her own gym before or thought that anyone, even Tim, would hand her the keys to one.

“You.” Tim nodded. He took a step forward. Still reeling from the offer, she almost missed the determined, almost steely, look in his eyes. “I think you know how I feel about you.”

Now Jun felt as though she’d been whipped back into the present, and she was suddenly very aware that Tim was touching her arm, running his finger up her biceps. This wasn’t good.

“Tim, look, I...”

“We could make a great team, Jun. Professionally...and personally.”

No, we definitely couldn’t. All she could think about were Kai’s warm brown eyes and chiseled good looks. Tim had a flat nose and a hard curve to his lip. She hadn’t noticed it before, but Tim looked a little like the ugly guy on the football team, mean and muscled.

“Tim, look, I’m really flattered, but...”

“Jun. Come on. Give us a chance.” Without warning, Tim grabbed her arms. She tried to pull away from him, but he had at least sixty pounds of muscle on her. He bench-pressed twice her weight.

“Tim... I don’t feel that way about you.”

But then he was kissing her. It was sloppy and wet and awkward, and nothing at all like Kai. Jun managed to shove Tim away. “Tim, stop.”

Tim’s face fell, his hope crumpling, and she knew she was breaking his heart, but she had to draw the line.

“Tim, we’re not going to be a couple. I don’t like you like that.”

“Why won’t you even give us a chance? Is it that surfer? Brady? He’s no good.” Tim grabbed his phone from his pocket. “I mean, he was clubbing just yesterday.”

“What do you mean?” Now Jun had a laser-like focus on his phone. Tim pulled up a picture of Kai with a dark-haired beauty at the bar of the Four Seasons. She had her face pressed close to his, the picture revealing the plunging neckline of her barely there bikini. It was time stamped the day before.

Jun felt jealousy blaze in her chest. Had he gone to the bar yesterday? Had he picked up a girl? Had he blatantly disregarded her rules? Of course, she realized her reaction had nothing to do with his training. That wasn’t why she was upset. Not in the least.

The bell on the front door dinged then, and Kai walked right in, eyes flashing. “Am I interrupting?”

Jun jumped away from Tim, as if she’d been caught doing something wrong, when she wasn’t.

“No,” Jun said, shaking her head, and moving farther from Tim, who looked exceptionally pissed to have had his moment ruined. Jun vowed he wouldn’t get another one. She was immensely relieved to see Kai. “I was just going.”

Jun turned to leave.

“Will you think about it?” Tim called after her. “I mean...the gym?”

“No. Tim, I won’t. I’m not interested.”


“Tim... I said no.”

Tim looked crestfallen, but there wasn’t any way around it.

Kai said nothing, just opened the door for her as she walked through.

He followed her outside.

“What did that greaseball ask you to think about?”

Jun stopped by her car. “He wants me to manage his second gym. He’s opening one soon. But I don’t want to do it.”

Jun pulled her door handle.

“Let’s take mine,” Kai said, steering Jun away to his car.


“Or, we can have this conversation in full view of Tim.”

Jun glanced over at Tim, who was practically pressed against the front glass.

“Let’s take your car,” she said, realizing the last thing she wanted was a scene in the parking lot. Once inside his car, he quickly pulled out of the parking lot.

“So, are you going to tell me what you were doing kissing him?” The muscle in his jaw twitched.