Page 82 of The Big Break

“He kissed me. I didn’t kiss him.”


Jun realized with a start that Kai was jealous. He’d seen Tim with his sloppy come-on and was actually jealous. Well, good. Served him right. He took a left turn down the road that would take them to his beach house.

“Why do you care? You were the one out yesterday picking up tourists. I saw the picture at the Four Seasons. With the brunette at the bar.”

Understanding dawned on his face. “Stalking me online?”

“No. Tim showed me.” Jun glared out the window as Kai angrily turned the steering wheel. He pulled up in the drive and shut off his engine.

“Tim only wants to get in your pants.”

“It’s not going to happen.”

“You seemed fine letting him kiss you.”

“I wasn’t fine, for the record. He kissed like a wet fish.”

A grin broke out across Kai’s face.

“But that’s none of your business.” Jun opened the door and hopped out of the car. Kai followed her.

“It is my business.” Kai rounded the Jeep and stood in front of her. Jun blinked up at him, taking in his body, lean but strong. His blue linen button-down shirt looked new and made his dark eyes even darker. She felt a hot roiling of emotion, like a kettle about to boil. “And why do you care so much if I sleep with another tourist or not?”

“I don’t,” Jun lied. “It’s just the rules.”

“So, then, just so we’re clear, you’re not going to sleep with me, but I can’t sleep with anyone else, either?” Kai’s voice sent reverberations down her spine.

“That’s the rule,” she said, stubbornly raising her chin. “No sex until after the competition.”

“Oh, I see.” Kai rubbed his chin, the sarcasm clear in his voice. “So, you wouldn’t care, then, if after our training and after the competition, I took someone to bed? That would be okay with you?”

“No! I—” Jun realized she’d been about to blurt out the terrible secret she’d been holding inside. She did care who he slept with and when. She didn’t think sleeping with Kai was a mistake in the sense of wishing she hadn’t done it. She was very glad she’d done it. Too glad. That was what made it a mistake.

“Well, just for the record, I am attracted to that tourist from yesterday. I think she’s pretty.”

Jun felt herself stiffen. The girl was pretty. She was dark haired and tanned, petite and delicate. She looked as if she had a runner’s body, lean and in shape.

“But do you know why I think she’s pretty?”

Jun shook her head, not trusting herself to speak.

“Because she reminds me of you. She’s not nearly as pretty as you, not nearly as...amazing. But, in some small way, she reminds me of you. I think she’s pretty. But I think you’re damn near beautiful.”

Jun was frozen to the spot. No one had called her beautiful before. Pretty, sometimes. Cute, even, but beautiful? Never.

Kai took another step closer. Jun didn’t know if she wanted to run away or kiss the man. “I know you don’t want this. Want us. But trust me when I tell you that this—” he gestured to her breast and then his own “—doesn’t come around every day.”

Kai brushed hair from Jun’s face as she stood immobilized.

“But... I...”

“Don’t tell me you’re not interested, because I know that’s a lie,” Kai said, so close to her she could feel his body heat.

Jun’s mouth went dry.

“Do you think I can’t read you?” Kai put his hands on her shoulders. “Do you think I don’t know that if I kiss you right now, you’ll kiss me back?”

Jun’s knees went weak as she instinctively leaned toward him. What was it about him that made resistance so futile? He was right. More than right. If he leaned down right at that moment, she would kiss him. And more. She’d lose herself. Completely.

Jun swallowed, hard. She couldn’t speak. She didn’t know what words might slip out of her mouth.

“You’re going to tell me that this is a distraction from my training. And you’re damn straight it is.” Kai squeezed her arms. “So, I’m not going to kiss you. I want to. Oh, damn, do I, but I won’t even touch you.”