Page 55 of To Catch a Thief

“I can do that.” He could paint the porch and stairs. “I’ll do it.”

She dropped the bags into her trunk. “Do what?”

“The painting,” he volunteered. It wasn’t pulling bad guys and drugs off the street, or running into burning buildings, but it would help Carolina, and she mattered.

“You don’t have to,” she said.

“I want to.”

“But you can’t drive.”

He stopped in the middle of the driveway. That was a problem. “I’ll figure it out.”

Her deep blue eyes gleamed. “I don’t want to take advantage of your kindness.”

“I love you.” He stroked her shoulders and her sad blue eyes tore holes into his heart. “I want to help.”

“I love you, too.” Her fingers dug into his sides and he didn’t mind the sharp pain.

She stood on her toes. Their mouths fused and warmth filled him. Not just the heat of arousal, but the warmth of knowing he was loved.

“I don’t know what I did to deserve you in my life.” She sighed.

He stroked her cheek. “I’m the lucky one.”

They could turn around and head right back to the house and make love, or he could fulfill his promise. “Walk and dinner,” he muttered. “That’s what I promised.”

And he always lived up to his promises.


“ELLA!” CAROLINA DASHED down the carriage house stairs into the courtyard and leaped into the parking lot and her best friend’s hug. “You’re here.”

“I’m here.” Ella laughed and gave her another squeeze. “Although the one-way streets around the squares drove me nuts.”

“But you made it.” Carolina grabbed luggage out of the trunk. “Come on up.”

Ella shouldered a big purse and tugged out a suitcase. “Looks like this will take two trips.”

“How was the drive?”

“Fine until Atlanta.”

They hauled the bags and cases up. Then went back for the rest of Ella’s things. Once they stored everything, Carolina grabbed a couple of bottles of water. “It’s nice enough to sit in the courtyard.”

“What’s the latest on you mother?” Ella settled into a chair.

Carolina gave her the updates, trying to keep her emotions from overflowing. “Why did you take a job in Hilton Head?”

“Things weren’t the same with you gone. I got an offer to sublease the apartment. And your ex-manager made me so mad. What a tool.” She slammed her bottle on the table. “I was going to punch him if I ran into him again.”

“Then I’m glad you left.” Carolina raised her eyebrow. “With all my mother’s problems, I don’t have enough money to bail you out of jail.”

Ella’s blond curls bounced as she laughed.

Carolina checked the time on her phone. “We have fifteen minutes to relax and then we’re meeting with Abby. She wants to hear us work together.”

“Can’t wait.” Ella stretched her fingers. “Any chance this could morph into a permanent gig?”

“I don’t know.” Carolina rubbed her forehead. “It’s hard to think that far in the future.”

“I’m sorry.” Ella leaned forward. “I shouldn’t be so insensitive to your mother’s cancer.”

“It’s fine.”

“Do you have any changes in the sets we used to do?” Ella asked.

“I want to add a few songs.” They talked through the changes and where they would go.

“I’m so glad you’re here.” Carolina put her arm around her friend as they headed into Fitzgerald House.

Abby waved as they entered the heavenly smelling kitchen. “You’re right on time.”

Carolina introduced Ella.

“Nice to meet you.” Abby looked at a timer. “Why don’t you head up to the music room? I have a few more minutes on these cookies, then I’ll join you.”

“They smell incredible,” Ella said.

“Here.” Abby loaded cookies from a cooling rack onto a plate. “Take them with you. There’s coffee, tea or lemonade in the dining room.”

In the dining room, Ella poured a cup of coffee. She whispered, “This place is awesome.”

“It is.” Carolina took a glass of lemonade. Since she was going to sing, the lemon would help her throat.

When they entered the music room, Ella headed straight for the baby grand and stroked the white satin finish. “It’s beautiful.”

“It hasn’t been tuned in years,” Carolina warned.

She gravitated to the shelf holding the globe and spun it around. She used to sit on Poppy’s lap and do the same thing. He would show her where Spain was and talk about the ship he and Yaya had taken to America. Poppy’s father had given him the globe so they would never forget their origins.