Page 56 of To Catch a Thief

This globe was part of her family’s history. How could Mamá have given it to Beau? It should have stayed in the little house on Tybee Island, but because of her mother’s foolishness, it was here.

Ella pulled sheet music from her bag. “What do you want to sing?”

“How about…” She paused. “‘Someone to Watch over Me.’”

“I like that one.”

Ella played the intro. Might as well practice. It had been weeks since they’d worked together.

She stood tall, like her mother and voice teacher had taught her. Inhaling, she released the tension in her shoulders. With her hands on her abdomen, she exhaled, then took a quick deep breath and let the column of air carry her voice. Softly she sang the opening.

Abby slipped into a chair and grinned.

Carolina forced her shoulders from climbing up and restricting her breath. She’d already sung in front of Abby, but today was still an audition. She and Ella eyed each other for the ending and Carolina held the note, shaping it to a flourish.

Abby jumped up, clapping. She leaned on the piano. “I like your version better than Amy Winehouse’s—and I love her version. You two are great!”

“Thanks.” Carolina pressed on her stomach.

“Sorry, the piano’s still out of tune. Once we find the piano for the restaurant, the tuner will work on both pianos at the same time.”

“I only cringed a few times,” Ella said. “It’s a beautiful instrument.”

“I’m afraid we haven’t had time to appreciate it.” Abby tapped her fingers on the cover. “Let’s talk about you working for the restaurant.”

Carolina stepped away, giving them privacy. The globe lured her closer. She spun the world around its axis.

Maybe she could trade their father’s guitar for the globe? She couldn’t let her mother have another seizure over this missing piece of Castillo family’s heritage.

But the Fitzgeralds didn’t know about her. She was a dirty little secret. Abby would probably fire her.

If a stranger had declared they were half siblings, how would she react? She spun the globe again.

“It’s beautiful, isn’t it?” Abby voice made her jump.

“Yes.” She stared at the globe. “Do you know where it came from?”

Abby didn’t answer right away. “I don’t think it came from my mother’s family. Dolley might know. She’s got an encyclopedic memory.”

“Oh.” Carolina didn’t want to bring any notice to the globe. “That’s not necessary. I was curious.”

“Now you’ve got me wondering.” Abby grinned. “Ella and I are going to look at pianos. Are you coming with us?”

Carolina looked at Ella. “Everything’s working out?”


“Sure I’ll…” Her phone rang. She pulled it out of her pocket. “It’s the hospital.”

Abby set a hand on her back, steadying her as she answered. “Hello?”

“Carolina, it’s Teri. Your mother just had another seizure. I know you were going to come visit, but she’s sleeping now.”

Carolina covered her mouth. “Another one?”

“Yes. I’m sorry.”

“Can you hang on?” she said to Teri.


“Why don’t you two go look at the pianos?” Carolina didn’t have the energy. “Ella you need an apartment key.” She tugged the keys out of her pocket and tried to pull the key off the ring, but dropped them with a clang.

Abby picked them up, tucking them into Carolina’s hand. “I’ll get Ella a key. In fact, why don’t both of you eat here tonight? And Sage, if he’s around. We eat at seven. If you need anything, you call, you hear?”

How could Abby be so nice? “Thank you.”

“Are you sure? Do you need me to stay with you?” Ella asked Carolina.

“No. Go.”

Abby touched her shoulder as they left.

Carolina sank into the sofa. “Teri, do you know what set Mamá off?”

“She kept saying something about poppies and globes and fishing.” Teri sighed loud enough for Carolina to hear her. “It didn’t make much sense.”

“I understand.” It made perfect sense to her. “If she wakes, could you call me and I’ll come to the hospital.”

“I will.”

She stared at the globe. Would it be so wrong to take it and give her mother comfort? It was theirs. She could probably find pictures showing Poppy sitting at his desk with the globe. The charter company pamphlet might even have the globe in it, along with pictures of catches and the boats.