“I’ll be fine.” Her mother lay across her bed. “This traipsing about England has worn me out is all. I’ll rest far easier once you’re married.”

Violette returned to her room. She packed her own belongings, readying to leave. She’d like to speak with Theo. She wanted to know how she could help but also where they stood. Was

this a match of convenience or of the heart? By all accounts it was the former but after the kiss they’d shared she dared to hope.

Chapter Ten

Theo was once again on a horse, in the English rain. He didn’t mind it so much this time. It was amazing how quickly one adjusted to the weather.

Tricia and Violette were in the carriage while he and Luke rode just ahead. It was only a half day’s ride to where the accident had occurred.

He’d penned a note to Rex, asking him to join them. His friend was due to arrive at Rosewood Manor in the next few days. Better that he just travel to Yorkshire. Somehow, seeing his friend would remind him why he had concocted this plan in the first place. Because, if he were honest, his love of travel was being slowly replaced with his desire for Violette.

Another wagon trailed behind the women, full of supplies. Blankets, food, and medical necessities, in addition to two doctors from the surrounding areas. It had made him half mad to wait a day before he left, but it was worth it to properly help these men.

The rain made the ride a quiet one with barely a traveler in sight. As they arrived at Derbytown, the coastal village, the difference was amazing. Despite the weather, people hustled about. It may as well have been a sunny summer day rather than a dreary fall one.

Almost immediately an older gentleman approached them. “Your Grace?” At Theo’s nod, the man gave him a relieved smile. “Thank you for coming. I’m Captain Walter Reginal.”

Theo stepped down from his horse. “Pleased to meet you.” Theo reached for his hand. “How can we be of assistance?”

Mr. Reginal winced. “We’ve set up a makeshift infirmary in the dance hall. We’ve only had a few casualties but we’ve several injured men who could use care. For your part, the ships were not loaded with goods, so there wasn’t much loss. But we need more answers in terms of what happened. And if it was one of our ships that caused the fire, the other owners may require an explanation. All told, Your Grace, three of your ships are not operational.”

Theo held back a growl of frustration attempting to remain impassive. “And how many ships damaged total?”

“Seven, Your Grace.” Reginal said. “Two belong to the Earl of Casterly and the others to a local shipping company.”

He’d ruined two of Rex’s ships? Blast, what was Rex going to think about that? “And we believe the fire started on one of my ships? Which one?”

“The Clarita was one of the first ships to be on fire. Honestly, I am not sure if it’s where the fire began or not. No one can seem to recall if was your ship or Mr. Gregory’s where flames were first spotted. What we do know is that the fire had no more begun and the boiler exploded.”

Theo turned to Luke. “How many of the ships have boilers?”

“Just a few.” Luke ran his hand through his hair. “I was testing them on two of your ships and two of mine to see if they increased shipping speed and productivity.”

“Thank you for the report, Captain.” Theo first needed to find out if the boiler had started the fire or exploded as a result of it. He’d need to remove the other boiler if it had. Then, if his ship was to blame he’d have to make reparations to the other owners, Rex especially. “We’ll see what we can discover.”

The rain had slowed and Violette and Tricia stepped out of the carriage. “Captain,” Tricia called. “Where can we find the injured?”

The Captain pointed up the hill. “In the dance hall, right in the center of town. You can’t miss it.” He gave the ladies an affectionate smile but his eyes lingered on Violette. Theo held in a grunt of protest. Violette was his. He didn’t want other men looking at his woman.

“Thank you,” Tricia called.

The Captain’s eyes were still on Violette when he replied, “But I can escort you ladies, if you’d like.”

“No need,” Theo rumbled. “I’ll escort them myself.”

Captain Reginal gave Violette a final look before he turned and headed back toward the docks. Theo took a cleansing breath. Violette was beautiful. He’d have to get used to men looking at her. That nearly made him growl out loud. With startling clarity he realized that the captain had been completely obvious with him standing just steps away. What would men be like with a beautiful duchess whose husband was halfway around the world?

Violette had come to stand next to him, and without thought, he placed his hand on her back, pulling her close. Her wide eyes looked up at him in surprise. Rather than deter him, he only pulled her closer.

Luke cleared his throat. “Shall we?”

Ryker tucked Tricia’s hand in his arm and the group started up the hill.

They found the dance hall easily and Tricia stepped forward to speak with the women already tending the wounded.

Violette moved to join her, but Theo held her fast. To let her go was to allow her to be without him in a room full of men. Hells bells, he should have purchased a ring for her. Some symbol to show she was no longer eligible.