That thought calmed some of the jealousy that was coursing through him. Perhaps he’d feel better if she were wearing a symbol of their relationship. With that thought in mind, he released her waist.

“I will be back to escort you to the inn,” he said as he leaned down and whispered in her ear. “Take care today.”

“I’ll be fine, I’m sure.” One eyebrow rose as she assessed him. “I’ll see you this evening.”

With a final goodbye he turned, but it took a great deal of effort to leave her side. Far more than made him comfortable.

He wanted to return to the hall. He wanted to follow behind her like her favorite dog and make sure no one touched her, no one looked at her. What was happening to him?

“You’ve formally offered for Violette?” Luke asked, walking next to him.

“Yes,” he answered, though he didn’t really want to discuss it. His reasons were…complicated.

Luke nodded. “I’m glad you’ve changed your mind about marriage. You’ll find it far more fulfilling than you imagined.”

“I’m certain it will fulfill me in every way I wish.” Theo bit back.

Luke paused. “What exactly does that mean?”

Theo stopped, then looked at Luke. He owed his brother-in-law a great deal, but he wasn’t sure an explanation about this matter was one of them. “Violette is well-suited to be my duchess.”

Luke gave him a queer look, his face scrunching. “This isn’t a love match?”

Love? Hardly. Attraction, yes. Common need, certainly.

“Bloody hell,” Ryker rumbled behind him. He had to be honest, it took him by surprise. Ryker was one of the most even-tempered men he’d ever met. “You want her because she has experience handling an earldom. You’re marrying a solicitor.”

“What?” Luke’s voice dropped menacingly low. “That can’t be your only reason.”

Theo straightened his shoulders. “She benefits too. I’ll care for her mother, her sister. Help her brother with his earldom. And, she becomes a duchess. It is an ideal match for her.”

“Ideal?” Luke’s vice had risen. “Are you completely daft or just partially so?”

Ryker had moved closer and he put his hand on Luke’s shoulder. “Have you considered how she will feel when situations like this arise and you are not there? Will she travel in your stead? What if she is with child, like Tabbie is now or Tricia was a year ago? You plan to travel no doubt? Will you leave her to birth alone? While managing a dukedom?”

Luke moved closer. “I too saw the look the captain gave her.” His eyes narrowed. “What will happen when you’re not here to protect her? I was a rake, don’t forget. There was many a lonely woman whose husband had ceased to give her the love and attention she deserved. I was more than happy to slip into her room and fulfill her needs—”

Theo stopped Luke’s words with his fist. The picture he painted was all too real. One of a beautiful Violette in bed with nothing on but a negligée while welcoming a man who wasn’t him. He saw the blood spurt from Luke’s nose a second before pain exploded in his jaw.

He didn’t stop to process his jealousy. Instead, he swung at Luke again. Hitting was a bloody good way to relieve the tension that had built inside him. He didn’t want to think about what his jealousy meant.

He missed, Luke ducking his punch when Luke’s fist caught him in the midriff. With a grunt, Theo doubled over but he used his lowered position to place an uppercut straight into Luke’s jaw. He heard the other man’s teeth snap together. Luke stumbled back but caught himself and reversed direction barreling toward him. Theo braced, but Luke’s impact sent them both stumbling to the ground.

They tussled around for a bit landing several more punches before they both grew tired and lay panting in the wet grass.

“Are you two done?” Ryker crossed his arms looking down at them.

“No.” Theo ground out. “Just catching my breath.”

“Has it occurred to you,” Luke said between breaths, “that you hit me because it angers you to think of another man touching her?”

“Of course that bloody occurred to me,” he bit back.

“Your jealousy is proof this isn’t just a marriage of convenience. You’re fooling yourself.” Luke shot him a glare as he lay on the ground.

Theo glared back. “I am attracted to her. There is no point in denying it.”

“Are you normally this jealous of women you’re attracted to?” Ryker asked.