“He was resistant to a match that his family had arranged. Or perhaps just resistant to marriage.” She took a breath, unsure of how much to tell her mother.

“But he is smitten with you.” Her mother smiled with some satisfaction. “I shall likely rest today, but I want to greet His Grace properly this morning. Shall we?”

Making their way to breakfast, Violette wondered if her mother was correct. Could a handsome duke actually be interested in her? It seemed so and yet she couldn’t believe it. It wouldn’t last, would it? He was dark and handsomely mysterious while she was just the plain sister in need of a husband. She hesitated for a moment by the door to the dining room. The voices within were clipped even as they whispered. What was happening?

She entered the room and all eyes turned to her. “Violette.” Theo stood, but he frowned rather than smiled.

“Is everything all right?” she asked.

Her mother came in just behind her.

Theo looked at her mother as he spoke. “I’m afraid not. There has been an accident. A fire burned multiple ships in our fleet that runs goods from England to Scotland.”

“Oh dear,” her mother replied.

His frown deepened. “I’ll need to go see to the victims and create a plan for repairing the damage. Tricia and Ryker will join me to help me ship any survivors to proper medical facilities. We’d hoped that Violette might come with us as well.”

“Leave?” Her mother asked, doubt lacing her voice.

“You are, of course, welcome to join us. But if not, Ryker and I could act as chaperones. It would be good training for taking on the role of duchess,” Tricia offered. “It is a role most are not prepared for.”

Her mother glanced at her and Violette could see her indecision. She didn’t want her daughter, the one the family was counting on, to leave. “Are you well enough to come, Mother?”

Her mother shook her head. “I don’t think it would be wise.” Then she turned to Theo. “Could we perhaps discuss this privately?”

“Of course.” Theo gestured toward the door and the two left.

Violette tried to eat, but her stomach was too aflutter. Finally, her mother returned. She did not look at Violette and she knew she’d have to wait to ask her mother what they had discussed later.

Or she’d ask Theo. But he didn’t return to breakfast nor did she see him at the noon meal. The silence was wearing on her. So that afternoon, she sought out her mother in her suite of rooms.

“What happened?” she said without bothering with the niceties.

Her mother glared. “He’s going to offer for your hand.”

“Did he tell you that?” She stepped closer to where her mother rested on the bed. She looked pale, not at all like her usual robust self.

“Yes, he did.” Her mother placed her arm over her eyes. “Contracts are being drawn up and terms have already been arranged.” Her mother let out a deep sigh. “Thank goodness. I thought we might never get an offer for you. And now we have one from a duke, no less. He’s even handsome.”

Violette could hear the disbelief in her mother’s voice, though she tried not to take the words or their meaning personally. Her hand came to her hip as she gave her mother a level stare, which of course the older woman ignored. She knew her mother had been terribly stressed and this meant she could now rest, knowing her children were taken care of. But did she have to make it sound as though Violette were not all that desirable? “Your confidence in me is overwhelming.”

She’d always known her mother wished that Daffodil had been the eldest. She was the prettier, more gregarious sister.

Violette shook these thoughts aside. Theo’s silence this morning was likely adding to her feeling of malcontent. He’d seemed so invested in her last night. But perhaps he preferred to keep his feelings private?

What if it was his family who still pushed him into marrying her? What if he were just fulfilling his ducal obligations? But that kiss. It had meant something, hadn’t it?

“Don’t be angry. I know you think I prefer Daffodil, but honestly, men don’t usually like women who are so…bookish. But you’ve done an admirable job of presenting a lady’s façade.”

Violette’s eyebrows shot up. Had she? Not with Theo. But he wanted to marry her anyway and that gave her some measure of hope. At least he saw the real her. Even if his motives were not what she’d hoped.

“I had every confidence in you and I’ve given my permission for you to go help save sailors. Her Grace is right, it’s excellent training for your future. I expect you to keep your moral core as a lady, however.” Her mother turned her face away. “I need some rest, darling.”

“Of course, Mother. When are we leaving?” It was her turn to frown. Her mother did look tired.

“First light.”

Assessing her mother again, she stepped closer. “Are you sure you don’t wish me to stay? You are not yourself.”