Theo didn’t want to think about how right it felt to be so near to her, to have their hands clasped like this. Because another idea was taking shape. He’d promised his sister he’d take on the responsibility of the dukedom. But he didn’t want to give up on his travels entirely. It was what made his blood sing.

What if he married Violette? She was in desperate need of a husband. He’d be helping her. Protecting her. She in turn could help him manage his affairs when he was gone. He couldn’t leave for years at a time, of course, but still. He could check on foreign investments knowing that Violette could help in his absence. It would make him feel better to know that he had a business stake in the arrangement and she wasn’t the only one marrying for convenience.

If any doubts niggled at the edge of his plan, he pushed them aside. It was beneficial to both of them. The answer they both needed.

Horses had been readied for them and Theo easily helped Violette climb into her saddle. With his hands about her waist, he had to confess the attraction was a side benefit to the possible marriage.

He climbed on his own horse and the four of them set off across a field. Violette was a good horsewoman and as they brought the horses up to a trot, he watched the wind pull at her hair, her smile growing wide on her face. She laughed and turned to him. “Let’s go faster.”

Her enthusiasm caught him off guard, though he quite liked it. She was full of surprises today. As she kicked her horse into a canter, he did the same.

He gave a quick glance back to see Tricia and Ryker quite far behind them. Even better. He pushed ahead of her leading the way into the forest. They jumped fallen trees and slashed through streams as Theo kept an eye on Violette. Though she was less a flower and more a mischievous little wood nymph riding so fast. She made his pulse thrum. Reaching a small glen, he pulled up his horse. She did the same.

“Why are we stopping?” she asked breathlessly, her chest heaving from the effort.

He turned his horse so that they faced one another. Then he reached out and cupped her cheek in his hand. He’d never wanted a woman more than he did in this moment. Not that it was the reason for what he was about to ask her. “I wanted a moment to speak privately.”

“About?” She reached up to place her gloved hand over his.

“Teddy,” Ryker called.

Hells bells that was dreadful timing. He leaned down to whisper in her ear. “I need to speak with you tonight.”

“How?” she whispered back.

“Go out on your balcony at one o’clock. We’ll talk there.” He tried to keep his tone light. What he was suggesting was forbidden.

Her eyes widened. “I shouldn’t—”

Without meaning to, he leaned closer so that their lips nearly touched. “N

o one will be the wiser and I will be on my best behavior.”

She looked at him for several seconds before finally giving a tight jerk of her chin in agreement.

Relief washed over him just as Ryker burst through the trees. It actually pained him to let her go, but as her hand slipped from her cheek he said, “Tonight.”

* * *

Violette sat on her bed, watching the clock tick on the mantle. It was five until one and she couldn’t be less tired. Why did Theo want to see her? Surely he didn’t plan on proposing. He wouldn’t need an illicit meeting for that.

Her breath caught on the word illicit. He was a duke who looked like a highwayman, sailed about the Atlantic, and eschewed society. Of course this meeting would not involve any formal offers. His interest in her couldn’t be denied. And the way he’d touched her, nearly kissed her…surely he wanted something from her. Would he ask her to be his mistress? Her hands pressed to her cheeks. No matter how attracted to him she was, she couldn’t do it.

What if he offered to save her family, finance her future?

But to be fallen… She stopped her thoughts. She didn’t even know that’s what he would ask. But what then if not marriage or an affair?

Surely he didn’t need to meet her privately, at one in the morning, to discuss the weather or his travels in Barbados.

The clock chimed one and she almost jumped from her own skin. Standing, she crossed to the double doors that led out onto her balcony. Pulling one of them open, she nearly screamed aloud when Theo appeared in front of her.

He chuckled, low and deep. It rippled along her skin. “Nervous?”

“Yes,” she huffed, sounding breathy and excited. “I’ve never…” What? Met a man in secret?

His eyebrows rose. “You’ve never?”

“Done this,” she answered. Violette still stood in her room while Theo filled the doorway. He reached out his hand, and she slipped her bare fingers into his palm. The feel of his warm skin was exciting and a tingling spread up her arm.