“We’re not doing anything but talking, my little flower.”

He was pulling her forward but she stopped and so did he. “That is precisely what I’ve been wondering. What are we talking about exactly?”

He paused before he answered. “I’ve spent the last day considering who I am and what I want to be. I find that you have me thinking a great deal about my future and what it will entail.”

“I have you thinking? How so?” She leaned closer, afraid he might miss something.

“You’re intelligent, spirited, beautiful, and in need of a husband.” He tugged her just a little closer.

“That is very kind.” She managed to push out through ragged breaths. At least the first three were kind, the last was a fact.

He grinned, his hand coming to her waist. “I’m not being kind. I can learn a great deal from you. I am learning from you.”

What did that mean? “I am very happy that you are on a path of self-knowledge.”

“I’m not after self-knowledge. I want to secure my holdings and my dukedom while still maintaining a certain level of freedom.” His hand slid up her back brushing along her neck. It made it rather difficult to concentrate.

“I wish you the best.” She swallowed. Had he said freedom? Was he trying to tell her privately that he didn’t wish to court her? Tears stung behind her eyes, but she refused to allow them to fall. “I can only assume you’ve decided on the path. I hope you are successful.”

He blinked in surprise. “I thought our paths might be intertwined. You are in need of a husband who can secure your finances. I am in need of someone to help me with my ducal obligations when I am travelling. I’ve made commitments at the very least in Barbados that I must return to.”

Her mouth dropped open. She tried to speak but words failed her. First, her skills at managing books were the last ones she’d expected to help her make a match. And she might have been grateful except for her feelings toward Theo were far from mathematical.

Before she could collect her thoughts—indeed, even shut her mouth—he brought his lips to hers and kissed it closed. Fire coursed through her veins at the touch. Which he repeated and then repeated again. Finally he lifted his head. “We could help each other.”

She caught her breath. Was that really possible? Doubts were forming in her mind but before she could fully grasp them, he took her lips again, slanting them open and touching his tongue to hers.

All reason left her head. She could only feel and she knew without a doubt that she wanted to feel this again.

When he finally pulled back, they were both panting for breath. “Violette,” he rasped. “Say that you’ll consider my offer of marriage?”

“I,” she stuttered. “I don’t know.”

His hand cupped her cheek. “Think of it this way. You fully expected an arranged marriage and that is more or less what you’ll have. We have an added benefit of enjoying…” he gave her a devilish smile, “each other’s company.”

She bit her lip as she looked up into his eyes. “I’ll consider it.”

Violette should have been elated. He was handsome, rich, and a duke. But somehow, from him, she wanted far more than just a bargain.

Chapter Nine

That kiss had sharpened everything. Theo had wanted an arranged marriage of sorts. An agreement of minds. But the attraction he felt for Violette had nearly consumed him with that kiss. There was a passionate woman underneath her perfectly groomed exterior and that Violette he simply must know. He didn’t just want a hint, he wanted all of her.

But that wasn’t part of his plan. He’d travel, see the world secure in the knowledge that capable hands were controlling the dukedom.

That kiss changed everything. He’d all but asked her to be his wife. Presented his plan for her consideration. But could he remain impassive after her kiss had sparked such passion?

Giving up the pretense of rest, he rose from bed and crossed the room to stare out the window. It would be dawn soon and then he’d spend the day with Violette. Perhaps they could take a carriage ride or a walk through the village. But either way, he could begin checking on his tenants, he was sure she wouldn’t mind. She was a woman who embraced responsibility, she was not bothered by it.

Abandoning sleep altogether, he dressed and headed downstairs. In order for this plan to work, he’d need to know every facet of the dukedom so that he could teach Violette. His investors on the island required him to return in order to finance the fleet of ships he’d need. If he didn’t go back, not only would he have wasted his time, he’d be tossing all the money away that he’d invested. What he’d prove to everyone was that he was as silly and irresponsible as they believed.

He ignored the worry that it was too much for Violette. This trip he would do in six months or less. He’d find a way to take other business ventures that allowed him to travel as life permitted.

Brushing these thoughts away, he sat at his desk. He’d have a few hours to begin reacquainting himself with the books before everyone rose for breakfast.

But he hadn’t been working for long when the butler arrived at his study’s door. “Your Grace, a missive has arrived.”

The butler carried the note on a tray. “A missive? From who?”