The couple approached and Bridgeton greeted Will. “Lord Addington, always a pleasure.”

Will gave the man an easy smile. “And you as well. You know Lord Reagan and his daughter, Lady Rose.

“Of course,” Bridgeton tried to lift the corners of his mouth but failed and Rose watched as he glanced at the bobs in his wife’s ears. “I didn’t know you were to attend, my lord.”

Reagan addressed her father but when the marquess didn’t answer, Rose gave him a quick glance. Her father’s eyes were trained to the jewels sparkling in Lady Bridgeton’s ears.

Rose stepped forward. “I convinced him.” She pasted a smile on her face and took her lead from Will, the way he always pretended nothing was wrong. “I have to confess, that I heard a certain eligible lord would be in attendance.” She gave a little glance toward Will.

Lord and Lady Bridgeton gave a low laugh and she watched Bridgeton relax considerably. She was fooling the old git. “Quite right,” he murmured, giving her a wink. He knew those stones had belonged to her. Of course, if she’d confronted him, he’d deny it and say he bought them in a shop but now she was putting him at ease. It would make it that much easier to search Lady Bridgeton’s room later and—

“I must confess that I hope you are talking about me.” Will stepped next to her and the Bridgeton’s laughed again.

Rose looked over at Will. For a moment, she’d forgotten that she was supposed to allow him to find her jewels. Her chest tightened. What if he wasn’t successful and they slipped away again? Could she take that risk? “You?” She gave a tiny shrug, hoping it accentuated the curve of her shoulder. “Surely, I was discussing some other highly eligible lord.”

Her father loudly cleared his throat. Drat, she’d nearly forgotten about him. “I can’t believe we are discussing—”

“Forgive the interruption,” Lord Perrault called. “But the Duke and Duchess of Landon have just ridden through the gates. I hope you will all do us the honor of stepping back out to greet them.”

Lady Bridgeton put her hand on her husband’s arms. “Let’s retire to our rooms. I am sure we can greet them later. I am fatigued after the journey.”

“Of course, darling.” Lord Bridgeton patted her hand. With a nod, they both began to follow one of the footmen up the stairs.

Her father’s hand came to her shoulder with a good deal more heaviness than she’d ever felt before. “Those were your mother’s diamonds,” he hissed.

“I know,” she answered softly, craning back to see an ashen look upon his face.

“How? How did you know they would be here?” His voice was raspy and thin.

She reached back to place her hand over his. “I didn’t exactly but I knew—”

“Lord Reagan, you should lie down. You don’t look well. Rose will explain everything tonight.” Will stepped closer to both of them. “For now, we will greet the new guests. I know His Grace and he might be able to help us.”

“Help us?” Her father choked out. “You knew the stones would be here too? What are the two of you not telling me?”

“Papa,” she searched his face. His eyes had dark circles and his lips pulled at the corners. “I hardly know anything at all. Now go lie down and have your valet escort you. I’ll tell you everything tonight.” Not everything. Not even close. But enough to piece a logical story together. And she’d need Will’s help on that. Their stories must match.

Curse the man, she’d have to meet him privately again this afternoon.

Will sat across from the Duke of Landon in a private suite of rooms that looked more elaborate than his own rooms at home. Clearly the man held sway.

He knew why the Perraults had gone all out. Not only was Landon a duke, he was a reclusive one. Until recently, he hadn’t attended any social engagements at all and had only begun participating occasionally after his marriage.

Will knew Landon’s bride, the second daughter of a duke, and her sister. They had both, more or less been wallflowers, though how they managed that with their fiery auburn hair, he couldn’t say. The eldest had tamed a wicked earl and the other an unapproachable duke. Tabbie and Tricia, he’d heard them called. He’d seen Tricia when he’d greeted Landon. She was as lovely as she was sunny in her disposition and her husband seemed as smitten as a man could be.

“It is good to see you again and under less harrowing circumstances,” Landon said.

Will grimaced, at least on the inside. His face was well-trained to remain expressionless. “You as well.” Landon had been at the very illicit auction where Rose’s diamonds had been sold. “A house party is a much safer endeavor.” At least one would think so. Will knew differently of course, but Landon need not know any of that yet. He’d taken this meeting with the man to find out for certain if Landon had been part of the ring of thieves, a buyer, or there for some other reason entirely.

“Glad to see you suffered no ill effects from your relationship with the marquess.” One of Landon’s eyebrows drifted up.

Will took a long breath through his nose. Landon’s eyes were bright with intelligence and standard lies would not do here. Not only was he far smarter but he held a certain amount of knowledge. Will’s longtime friend, Coventry, had attempted to rescue Will from the marquess’s clutches having no idea that Will was there on purpose. It was possible that Landon had just been there to help Coventry. They had been together that night. But Will couldn’t be certain. Rather than lie, Will chose to be vague. “I did not, thank you for asking.”

Landon leaned forward, giving Will a long look. “And out mutual friend, Coventry, how does he fair?”

“Quite well.” Will leaned further back if that was possible. “Though, it’s difficult to tell. He always has his nose in business it likely shouldn’t be in.”

Landon’s eyebrows rose. “He isn’t the only on