
“I beg your pardon?” Will kept his voice flat.

Landon narrowed his gaze. “I am going to go with honesty here because, otherwise, we might sit here all day exchanging no information at all. I know that you work for Prinny or you did. I know that Coventry had it wrong when he went to rescue you and you were not a hapless victim.”

“Who gave you this information?” he asked, not knowing what else to say. This was the second person who’d learned his secret. What the bloody hell was happening?

“Prinny only informed me when I returned his rubies, the reason I was at the auction with Coventry. Winters also stole from me, but it was property I was shipping for Prinny. When I tracked them down and presented them to our leader, he informed me I needed to attend this party. He begged me to make sure you stay out of trouble.”

Damn it all to hell. Prinny had never given him away before. That could only mean that he truly did not intend to use Will’s services again. But his usual feelings of restlessness did not come with that knowledge. Instead, he pictured his lovely little flower, Rose.

Marriage suddenly seemed like a new adventure rather than a trap taking his freedom and excitement.

Was he actually considering marrying Rose?

“Here I am, not in any trouble at all.” Will straightened in his chair. If Prinny trusted Landon then he did too. Because Coventry had trusted him as well and because he sensed that he and Landon were cut from the same cloth. Though Will shirked society by pretending to be unfit for it, they had both shunned the ton. “Though I could use some advice.”

Landon’s eyebrows near touched his hairline. “It would help if I knew why you were here.”

“Perhaps what I am going to ask has nothing to do with the party. Mayhap I simply need advice on Prinny.”

Landon shook his head. “I doubt it. You have that well in hand I’d say if Prinny sent men to chase after you. You, however, are either here because you are after a woman or a thief.”

He gritted his teeth. Bloody bullocks, how did he know? “I don’t know what you’re—”

“Poppycock,” Landon said as he waved his hand. “First, I saw the way you looked at Lady Rose. As a man who has recently fallen in love, I recognize the feeling.”

Love? The man had gone mad. He was in lust and a woman like Rose was not suited to an affair. But then again, he didn’t think being with her would sate his desire. Though, he was eager to test the theory. “I am considering marriage.”

“Now that you are no longer a spy? Wise choice.” Landon nodded. “So it seems you don’t need my advice there.”

Will couldn’t help it, one corner of his mouth quirked up. For a reclusive duke, he was a good enough fellow. He liked him. “Lady Rose also had jewels auctioned that evening. They held a great amount of personal value.” Will paused assessing Landon. He saw the way the man’s jaw tightened in anger. It was subtle but confirmed his belief Landon was on his side and not in with one of the thieves. “I have to confess I came here to suss out a larger investigation, but I will leave content to allow Prinny to continue on without me, provided that I can retrieve Rose’s heirlooms. I will accomplish that with or without Prinny’s aid.”

“How can I help?” Landon asked.

“First, I wish to know how you acquired the rubies.” Will rubbed his jaw with his hand. “Did you use legal means and have the buyer prosecuted?”

“A spy is asking me how to retain jewels?” Landon grinned. The man was darkly handsome but when he smiled like that, Will was sure he’d had a fair amount of success with the ladies. “I did not use the law, just the threat of it. I quite simply knocked on the buyer’s door and informed him I had several witnesses and a letter addressed to Prinny that would out him for his involvement. He happily handed them over.”

“Rose’s jewels were bought by a man who was part of the ring of thieves. I don’t think that method will work,” he rumbled. “But I am loathe to push too hard with Rose in attendance at this party. I don’t know what Bridgeton will do when confronted and her safety is the most important thing.”

“Wait,” Landon drew his brow together. “He is here.” The crease on his forehead deepened. “Bridgeton. I knew he looked familiar.”

Will swallowed. Landon was exceptionally astute. He would have made an excellent spy. “As are the jewels. Or at least the earbobs. We saw Lady Bridgeton wearing them.”

“We?” Landon asked. “Lady Rose saw them as well?”

Will quirked on side of his lips. “Yes, and she did a remarkable job of keeping her composure.”

Landon returned the grin. “I’d say so. Tricia would not have been so disciplined. She is rather unruly, I am afraid.”

Will understood. Frankly, so was Rose. Sneaking into his room. Chasing after jewel thieves. Though he was grateful she’d maintained her composure, he rather liked her willingness to be bold…brave…impassioned. “Lucky you.”

Landon wiggled his brows. “Indeed.” Then he grew more serious. “But I might have a plan. If I am correct, you are going to let Prinny take care of prosecuting Bridgeton. So our best bet is to simply steal the jewels from the thief.”

Will held in the long breath he’d been about to exhale. “We could risk our freedom and reputations. At least in the short term.”

Landon waved his hand. “Pennault is your friend, no? I will have Tricia suggest to Lady Bridgeton that her jewels would be safer in the Pennault’s safe. He has one doesn’t he?”