“My name is Casey.” The confident woman seemed almost nervous.

“I’m Jenna.”

“Yes, I know. Turn right here. Second door on the left.”

Jenna turned right then stopped beside the door Casey indicated.

Casey stepped forward and the door slid open. Jenna stepped inside, glancing around at what was obviously a private quarters, with the upholstered chairs and couch, a kitchen to the right, and doorways to other rooms.

Was this to be her home while on the ship? Would she be sharing it with her tannashay? Would he expect her to climb right in bed with him today?

The thought sent a shiver through her. Of trepidation but also excitement. She’d been so needy lately, sexually. So needy even women had set off her cravings, but now she understood. That had just been a reaction to her tannashay’s approaching proximity. She even felt it around this woman, Casey, but now Jenna understood it and could ignore it. Very soon she would meet her true soul mate and then she would be able to satisfy these overwhelming urges that had been throwing her so off balance.

She turned to face the other woman.

“Will my tannashay be here soon?”

Casey stared at Jenna, long and hard. How would this Earth woman react when Casey told her?

“You will officially meet your tanash’ae right now.”

Jenna glanced around, her beautiful blue eyes wide and expectant. A timid smile curled her lips.

Casey’s heart pounded. She would rather face battle with a giant Arkonian fire beast than endure this one moment. A moment she’d been dreading ever since she first felt the pull.

She stuck out her hand.

“My name is Casey.”

Jenna glanced at her, then frowned, clearly confused. As she lifted her hand to complete the Earth gesture of shaking hands, Casey braced herself for the contact. When Jenna tentatively put her hand in Casey’s, her eyes widened at their first touch.

Thank nata’tai, she felt it, too. The sensuous, obsessive, shimmering thread of need pulled tight inside her until she could barely breathe.

Casey’s heart beat faster. Her breasts swelled and her insides quivered.

And she couldn’t help noticing that Jenna’s nipples were hardening, peaking like hard little beads against the thin fabric of her lovely gown.

Fakkreh, she was stunning. Her eyes were a luminous blue. Wide and filled with a sweet innocence. Her short dark hair framing her face in light feathery wisps.

Casey’s insides ached at the sight of her. Desire pulsed inside her.

Jenna tried to pluck her hand away, but Casey held firm.

“I am your tanash’ae.”

Shock flashed across Jenna’s sweet face, her mouth falling open and she pulled back. Casey allowed her to tug her hand free.

Jenna’s head shook, back and forth, like a trillia doll.

“No, that’s not possible,” Jenna denied

“Yes, it is. Jenna, I am your tanash’ae,” she repeated.

The look on her face tore Casey apart.

Jenna stepped backward, bumping against one of the armchairs, then sank into it.

“But… I’m not attracted to…” Her wide-eyed gaze flashed to Casey then careened away. “I mean, I like men.”