“That’s the key. They are people. Just like us.”

Crystal’s incredible calm in the face of this crazy situation amazed Jenna.

Eva shook her head. “How can you treat this so lightly?”

“We’re here,” Crystal responded. “I figure I’ll make the best of it. At home, a lay is a lay, but here…” She shrugged. “Well, who knows what special talents these alien hunks have?”

“They said they know who our soul-mates are,” Jenna said wistfully.

“That might be what they believe, but I don’t buy it,” Crystal said.

“Me, neither,” Eva agreed.

Eva and Crystal might not believe it, but Jenna dearly hoped it was true.

After about twenty minutes, the door slid open and Commander Raa-ling entered, followed by Casey, the woman who’d taken Aria, and Terrien, the man who’d brought them here from the planet.

“You’ll be taken to your quarters now,” Commander Raa-ling said to all of them. “If you have any more questions, pose them to your tanash’ae.”

Terrien stepped toward Crystal who now sat in one of the easy chairs. Was he her soul-mate?

Jenna glanced at Commander Raa-ling, wondering if he was for her, but it was Casey who approached her.

“Come with me,” she said quietly. The woman’s manner was more subdued than it had been when she’d led Aria away.

Jenna nodded and rose to follow her, ignoring the strange affect being near this woman had on her. Maybe it was just a result of the emotional onslaught they’d all suffered with being abducted by aliens.

Eva leapt to her feet and stepped in front of them.

“Don’t go with them,” Eva insisted. “If we stay together, we have a better chance.”

“A better chance to what, Eva?” Crystal asked. She leaned close to Eva’s ear and Jenna heard her murmur, “Look, I don’t believe in soul-mates, but I’m damned curious about sex with an alien. Especially one that looks like this hunk.” She glanced toward Terrien, then back to Eva and winked, then followed him toward the door.

“It’s time to go,” Casey insisted.

Eva grasped Jenna’s sleeve.

“Don’t go,” Eva implored.


“I’m sorry, Eva,” Jenna said, then turned to follow Casey

She knew she should be frightened, or outraged like Eva, but the truth was she was relieved to know her belief that there really was someone out there for her was real. Even if he was an alien. Although she’d always believed in the idea of soul-mates, a part of her had been afraid she’d never find hers. Now, like a gift from heaven, he was being delivered to her.

Even though he was a stranger, and an alien, they’d get to know each other, grow to love each other—actually, to find the lov

e already lying in wait deep in their hearts—and spend a lifetime of happiness together. What was there to fight against?

As she walked toward the door, she glanced over her shoulder. Fear laced Eva’s features, and Jenna wished she could help the other woman come to terms with this, but Eva was Eva and, from what Jenna had seen so far, she was a strong woman with strong convictions. She had to make her own journey.

Jenna followed Casey out of the room.

As the door closed behind them, the other woman pointed right.

“That way,” she said.

Jenna started to walk along the corridor and the other woman fell in behind her.