Page 7 of Love Notes

“Well if my little Eddie said you can stay it’s fine with me. It’ll be nice to have someone around to chat to instead of just Eddie and his dad.”

Ami nodded. “Thank you.”

“You hungry?”

Ami shrugged. “I’m okay. I usually just have an energy bar and some cappuccino in the morning.”

“Don’t be silly. You’ll wither away without a decent breakfast. I brought over some muffins I’d made for his father. Help yourself.” Ellen put a small basket on the table and the fresh smell of the muffins filled the room.

“Oh wow. Okay, thank you.” She took a warm muffin and broke it in half. Taking a bite, she smiled ear to ear. Ami was used to people waiting on her but this was a genuine act of kindness. It felt great to have someone be nice with no ulterior motive, no other reason than to be kind.

Ellen stood and walked to the sink. “Well I’ll let you get ready. I’ll be next door if you… Jesus Christ, look at the size of that man’s penis!”

Ellen stepped back. “I haven’t seen anything that big since we took the horses out to stud.”

Ami laughed. “I was just surfing and this silly porn site popped up. I saw this and wanted to, um, do a little research.”

“Well, ahem, have fun with your research. I need to go cock some—I mean cook some stew.”

Laughing, Ellen walked out the back door.

The hot water cascaded down Ami’s body washing away the last of her muscle aches and pains. It seemed weeks since she’d had the chance to enjoy a relaxing shower and next time she wanted a bath.

She reached down between her legs and scratched her pussy. Sometimes an itch could only be scratched personally. That’s why God invented massaging showerheads with that little pulsing action. Of course if she had a man, he could scratch it for her…from the inside out. Edward could have at least offered.

The soap slipped across her pale skin, and she noticed a few of her fake tattoos had faded. A little more scrubbing from the towel and soap wiped them off her skin. There were still a few tattoos artistically decorating her flesh. Those were the ones she got while drunk, and she didn’t know why she did it afterward.

Leaning her head back in the water she began to wash away all of the fake coloring and gunk from hairspray and gels they put in her hair for the shows too. She ran her fingers through the clean tangles and sighed. The washing away of her fake persona was so refreshing—cleansing mentally as well as physically.

The water trickled down her neck, running over her breasts and nipples, finding every crease on her body. It was erotic as hell and Ami shivered at how much she liked it. This wasn’t a tiny hotel shower with that funky smell of mildew permeating the air.

She pulled the showerhead from the holder at the top. She aimed it between her thighs and water shot out in short bursts. The pulses caressed her pussy, deepening her arousal.

With a giggle, she looked up and saw a disposable razor. She rubbed the soap around her pubis and grabbed the razor. Carefully she held the showerhead in one hand, the razor in the other and stood bow-legged, shaving the stubble from her pussy. The last thing she wanted was to give a guy stubble burns if he was licking the good places. A girl should never be unprepared.

She poured a handful of shampoo into her palm and rewashed her hair, the last of the temporary dyes going down the drain.

This is a new start. A fresh beginning. A…a…um, what the fuck is that sound?

“Sorry, son, I have to take a massive piss. Been holding it all damn afternoon.”

All Ami heard was the sound of some man humming a Hank Williams Jr. song and rummaging around outside the curtain. “Well lookee here, you have the new nudie magazine. You ever notice that all these girls have those big fake titties now? Ain’t nothing like the real thing in my… Holy crap, I didn’t know a woman could bend like that!”

Ami didn’t know what to do. She did know a shotgun might help kill this asshole. She left the water running and kept quiet. She figured the guy would continue to assume she was Edward.

She could hear what sounded like a hose draining water. It was Mr. Wonderful draining his bladder.

After a loud sigh he said, “Courtesy flush.”

Ami screamed as the water went from warm to scorching. She shut off the water and quickly ripped the shower curtain open, standing buck naked in front of the complete stranger who had been peeing. His pants fell around his ankles, and his jaw dropped.

The man swallowed loudly as he stared at Ami’s nude body. He looked down at his penis and then farted.

She reached past him and grabbed a towel, mumbling as she scurried out of the bathroom. “Jesus Christ! You trying to cook my skin off with boiling water?”

“God, I’m really sorry about this morning.” Edward felt bad and embarrassed his father had completely horrified Ami. “My dad pops over all the time just to talk. I didn’t know he was going to be here—I’m sorry.”

When he’d gotten home he’d heard all about what had happened from his dad, complete with a thumbs-up sign and a pat on the back. As further apology, Edward had decided to take Ami out to dinner, figuring he owed her at least that much.