Page 8 of Love Notes

“I’m no clothing expert, but I figured that dress might be okay. The lady at the store wasn’t happy with me.”

“Why not?” Ami’s voice echoed down the hallway from the bathroom.

“I didn’t know your size, and the lady was all prissy and asked if you were the same size as her. I said you were thinner and had bigger breasts—I mean shape.” Edward caught himself too late. “I hope I did… Wow, looks like I did good.”

Ami stood in front of him and brushed at the skirt as he just stared.

Her hair was pinned up away from her face and the dark goth maiden transformed into one hot woman. “What do you think?” she asked as she twirled around.

“Tell me if I start drooling.”

“Oh stop it. I like this dress. Not too frilly but the blue is nice. You like how it hugs my ass?” She winked and turned around, wiggling a little.

“Well that goes without saying.”

Edward stood and walked with her to the door. He let her go first and leaned back as she walked out.

Damn, it hugs real nice, but I could hug it better.

The restaurant was crowded as was usual on a Wednesday night. It was an all-you-can-eat-crab fest so the whole frickin’ town showed up.

“It’s fine, Edward, don’t sweat it. It was just a bit awkward.”

“I am a little jealous that my dad got to see you naked, and I didn’t though.”

She smacked his ass and smiled. “You never know…stud.”

“You look

lovely, Ami. I’m not used to seeing you with dark brown hair. All your photos show those colored streaks and braids and things.” Edward smiled, knowing his nervousness was probably written across his face.

“You don’t like it?”

“No, I mean yes I like…” He shook his head, unscrambling his mind a bit. “I think it looks really good. It’s a nice change. I just hope people don’t recognize you. We don’t want one of those scenes you see on TV. You look very pretty.”

With a smile Ami tossed her hair back and took Edward’s arm as they walked to their small table.

Being a gentleman, he automatically pulled back her chair for her.

After they ordered drinks and food, their moods relaxed and they talked.

“You know something, Edward? Your mom came over, and we had a little talk about you. I learned a few things.”

He swallowed and wondered what she found out. “Like what?”

“Midget MILFs in Memphis? I never knew there was a website for stuff like that.” Ami grinned and took a bite from her salad.

“Uhh, neither did I.” Edward thought quickly.

“Really? That’s funny because it was in your favorites on your computer.”

Desperate to get out of the obvious hole he was in, Edward changed the subject and hoped Ami would have pity on him. “I think I have all your CDs, even the rare stuff you did with your first band. You always play such beautiful piano. I’m in awe of people that write music and songs. Especially ones that take a person’s mind off things, even if only for four minutes.”

“Playing the music is what takes my mind off the shit happening around me. I am so damn lucky to have made it to where I am in the business. Most people don’t, and for that I am blessed. But I miss the small time things though. Meeting people—hell, even eating a quick fast food burger without the constant craziness or demands on my time. Sometimes I just want to sit naked at a piano and fall into my zone.”

Shifting in his seat, Edward replied, “Um, sit naked?”

“Yeah, I sit nude at the piano, close my eyes and just let my body and mind relax. It’s a sort of cosmic thing. There’s nothing between me and the music. It’s rather erotic.”