Page 72 of Dragon Twins Bride

“Put your stomach on the stool.”

She looked down at it. It was cushioned. It shouldn’t hurt the children. She still couldn’t really see a baby bump.

She put her stomach down on the stool.

She could feel Gahariet’s hands on her back, slowly massaging her as all the stress and tension left her body. She felt as relaxed as a cat in a sunbeam. Happiness spread throughout her body. They loved her. They would stand by her as she rebuilt the Yore people.

Then Gahariet’s cock was guided inside of her, stretching her to her limits, making her moan. Olivier immediately took advantage of her open mouth to push his own erection inside of her mouth.

The two brothers pushed and pulled inside of her body over and over again until she lost track of time. They could have spent eternity there, lost in a haze of pleasure and love.

But finally it came to an end as both brothers exploded inside of her, making her feel complete.

“I love you,” she declared.


Mating Ceremony



Phuong checked her hair in the mirror. She was getting ready to get ceremonially bound to the twin Thrones. She’d insisted on an oceanside ceremony.

Her ancestors would be able to attend in spirit. Literally.

Her dress was simple white silk that flowed over her large baby bump. She’d have her twins any day now. They had confirmed two heartbeats long ago.

At the beach ceremony, most of the guests were Draka. It looked like the wedding was overwhelming Draka. They couldn’t see the Yore who were attending.

Phuong knew that neither the Yore or Draka were happy about the mating, but she didn’t care too much. She hoped that their unease would fade over time. She knew that she would spend the rest of her life with her mates, building their empire together. They would put together the best possible kingdom for their children to inherit.

They hadn’t arrived yet, but she knew that she already loved them with all of her heart. She wanted to raise the twice-royal twins the right way. She was facing a lot of political pressure from both the Yore and Draka, but the three of them would find a way.

“Are you ready?”

Xuan was going to walk her to her mate. They had no father. Xuan was her whole family for so long.

And now she was going to be ceremonially mated to the two Thrones. She put a hand on her stomach. She was going from having one family member to having five in one day.


She knew that if Xuan didn’t approve of the Thrones, he wouldn’t have agreed to walk her down the aisle. Xuan had gotten closer to the twins, but she’d tried as hard as she could in order to convince both sides to like each other.

She’d had to slow down her attempts at building a bridge between the Yore and Draka as her baby bump had grown, but she would declare her empire soon.


New Empire


She heard a baby’s cry.

“A few more pushes,” the healer coached. “Just keep pushing.”

“I can’t,” she replied. “I don’t have anything left.”