Page 73 of Dragon Twins Bride

“Whether you have anything left or not, your children are ready to be born. Your first one is already partially out. Your second one is coming fast.”

“Ahh!” she screamed as her body shook in a powerful contraction.

They pulled the first baby out of her, the baby that came out of her womb crying.

“Keep pushing,” the healer said.

“You’re doing great, love,” Olivier said. He was holding one of her hands while Gahariet was holding the other.

“I don’t feel great,” she said.

“Just one more and you can rest,” Gahariet coaxed.

She screamed as she felt her muscles contract again. She was small, and Draka babies were quite big. They’d had to cut her to widen her in preparation for the delivery.

“That’s it…another push!”

She couldn’t stop her body from pushing out the second baby, who came into the world a little more quietly than his older brother.

Both of the babies were boys, just as Hoa had foretold. There were healers who were washing the babies and weighing them. The first baby had loud lungs. The second baby was a little quieter, but they spanked the baby, and it turned out that his lungs were just as good as his older brother’s.

“It’s time for the parade.”

Phuong stared at Gahariet.

“What are you talking about?”

“In Draka culture, we parade our children as soon as they’re born, so that our people know them.”

“I’m a mess,” Phuong protested. “I’ve been in labor forever.”

“You don’t have to look glamorous,” Olivier said. “You’re beautiful just the way you are. We just go out in an open levi-car.”

Phuong closed her eyes. “You’re going to have to carry me out.”

“No problem.”

In no time at all, the twins were wrapped in blankets. Phuong was presented with an over gown that went over her medical bay attire.

“You planned this.”

“We knew you wouldn’t want to be out so soon, but it’s mandatory.”

Phuong knew that she would’ve said no, but at the moment, she’d go along with whatever she needed to do in order to give the babies their rightful due as Draka and Yore royalty.

Olivier picked Phuong up while Gahariet and a healer carried the babies downstairs. Then they were getting into a levi-car, where Phuong lay back.

The streets were thronged with Yore and Draka alike. The cheers rang loudly, making Phuong’s ears ring.

She smiled and waved at the people who were ecstatic about her children. These were her subjects…their subjects. It was a new dawn. Their love was destined to fix Vestra. One day, her children would be able to unite both races peacefully.

Outfoxing the Alpha

Carson Warner approached the corner of Pier and Avalon. He glanced at his watch, the classic Rolex read 1:55 pm. He looked back at the corner, no one was waiting.

Damn. He thought to himself, he had carefully timed his arrival to make sure he would approach Frankie at exactly 2. He wasn't going to be standing there waiting for him like a lonely puppy.

Carson Warner knew a thing or two about strategy. He couldn't be late, but he couldn't be the first one to arrive. He needed to send the message that his time was more important than Frankie's, that he was doing Frankie the favor by agreeing to meet him here.