Page 26 of Dragon Twins Bride

He smiled as he felt the whispered message sing in her blood and go faster than light into her mind. It was a time-delayed message, but it would do nicely, lodging in her subconscious until it could break through.


Test Results


The next morning, the healer had his tablet in his hand.

“I sent you the results this morning. She’s very Yore — I’d say 100% pure Yore, not interbreeding at all. I think that she’s an example of what they looked like before the Draka came.”

“There were surgical stitches at the base of her head, right next to her neck. I’ve only seen those kind of scars once before.”

“When?” Gahariet asked.

“She must have had some kind of suppression implant. They put it into Yore that could grow up to be trouble for the Draka.”

“You’re saying that she’s dangerous,” Olivier confirmed.

“I’m saying that you should be careful.”

The doctor closed his tablet and went to the door.

“I’ll have my staff contact you about follow-up visits. We’re not sure what will happen when she wakes up.”

“You’re welcome in the castle at any point that you want. I can get you a permanently valid ID that can get you into our home whenever you like,” Gahariet offered

The healer’s eyes lit up. “Sounds good to me.”

“Then, thank you for your time. We’ll take care of all of her medical expenses.”

The healer bowed to them before leaving.

“She’s pure Yore. Where should we look next?” Olivier asked his brother.

“Birth records,” Gahariet replied. The mystery woman still didn’t have a proper name.

They walked to the archives in the castle.

They ran an image recognition search on her face, but she wasn’t showing up in the genealogical records.

“What kind of person doesn’t have a family history?” Olivier said.

“An orphan,” Gahariet replied.

“Heritage House,” they said simultaneously.

They accessed the records of foundlings who had been raised in Heritage House. The files had no images. Her file had a record of an unsuccessful search for off-planet visitors who had been pregnant while traveling to Vestra, anybody who had visited with small children, and missing citizen reports. But they hadn’t been able to find out where she’d come from.

“What is this?” Olivier pointed to a schematic. “This implant?”

Gahariet scanned the file quickly. “Some kind of suppressant, like the healer said. She was able to mesmerize her handlers at a young age, and when they realized that they didn’t want to give her infinite cookies, they suppressed that ability.”

“So she has something in her head that keeps her contained?”

“It might be gone. We saw the scars.”

Olivier shook his head. “I don’t know what that means. She can convince people to do anything?”