Page 27 of Dragon Twins Bride

“Well, not right now. I’m pretty sure that she’s sick, or she would’ve woken up.”

Olivier blew out a long breath. “I need to go for a hunt. I can’t stay in here, cooped up and waiting for her to wake up.”

“She’s fine,” Gahariet said. “Why don’

t we go for a con chim hunt?”

Olivier’s eyes lit up. He melted into smoke that poured out of the window, and Gahariet followed him.

Vestra had birds that had the ability to disappear. It was always a surprise to the dragons to crash into the small birds in flight. They were wing-brethren, but it was still fun to chase them. Nobody got hurt. The dragons would often take a single feather from their prey before going away.

The con chim of Vestra were somewhat telepathic with the ability to talk to the dragons inside of their heads. There were myths in the Yore folklore that they could light the sky in times of need, but no Draka had ever seen a light warning.

They circled around the forest until they saw a bird flapping its wings to gain height. They turned and began to chase it. The bird flew frantically, trying to go faster than the dragons, but the dragons gained and gained until suddenly Olivier was swooping down to bite a single feather off of the bird.

You won. The bird said. Now can I go hunt?

Go on. Olivier and Gahariet watched as the bird flew upwards and rode the wind.

Olivier still had the feather in his mouth. Gahariet wouldn’t tell him, but it made him look silly. They were a little old to play this hunting game.

They flew back to their own castle, Olivier carefully depositing his hunting trophy on the window sill before flowing back inside as smoke, materializing in human form with a huge grin on his face.

Gahariet was glad that Olivier had a smile on his face again. They knew what the Yore seer had told them would come to pass, but they might as well enjoy themselves while they could.


Woken Up


Phuong’s whole body was warm. She heard the gentle sound of water lapping against the edges of a tub.

Phuong’s eyes flew open. Nobody was rich enough to bathe in water.

But she was somehow in a tub of water.

“Oh, you’re awake.”

She looked downwards. One of the men who had rescued her had a sponge between her thighs. He made a move to withdraw it, but he ended up touching her pleasure core.

She couldn’t even control her hips. They bucked upwards, warmth spreading throughout her body, which was very ready to betray her.

She blushed. She was totally naked, and in a bathtub.

Olivier turned his back. “The doctor said that you needed to be clean, even if you were in a coma.”

“I wasn’t in a coma…was I?”

“Yes, you were. You had a major shock to your system.”

She looked at him. She knew that he’d only meant to wash her, but that accidental touch had set her body on fire.

Olivier put the sponge down on the marble countertop.

“Now that you’re awake, you can wash yourself. I’ll just leave. There’s a dressing robe on this hook. We’ll talk once you are dressed.”

Phuong watched him walk out the door and close it behind him. She was confused about what was happening, but part of her wanted him to come back.