Page 18 of Dragon Twins Bride

“We might as well. It’s better for us to keep an unofficial eye on Marc than to be left in the dark.”

“He’s one of the Fontaines, right?”


“Keep your friends close.”

“Your enemies closer. Yeah, I know. They could’ve fleeced our great-grandfather out of his throne.”

“Why don’t we fly?”

“Instead of taking the car?” Olivier shrugged. “It’s easier to let something take care of everything. Our levi-car can navigate better than I can. I’m pretty bad with maps.”

“Race you!”

Running to some open space, Gahariet shifted into his dragon form.

“Cheater!” Olivier shouted at his twin before he shifted, too. He followed his twin straight to the auction house.

The twins were nearly identical in their dragon form, but Olivier had amber eyes while his twin had green ones.

They raced quickly through the air, twining around each other and nudging each other as if they were children.

They got to the auction house swiftly. With twin thuds, the dragons landed on the rooftop of the auction house. They switched back to human form, the wind rustling their hair.

Gahariet ran a hand through his hair. “Let’s go down.”

They found a door in the roof and went down.

> Immediately, they were stopped by an armed guard.

“Who are you?”

“Princes Olivier and Gahariet,” Olivier snapped back. “Marc invited us himself.”

The guard grunted as he pulled something up on his holo-screen.

“You’re clear.” The guard got out of the way.

“Honestly,” Olivier said to Gahariet.

“He’s just doing his job.”

“I hope this auction is worth the trip.”

“I think that Marc was just pulling our strings.”

“Maybe, but it’s unlikely that the Yore seers would lie to him about what’s happening tonight. It could get interesting.”

As they got into the main room, a very beautiful young Draka girl dressed in a periwinkle gown with transparent sleeves and a deep V-neck came up to them, a tablet in one hand.

“Hello. I’m Lana. Such a pleasure to meet you two, Your Highnesses. Is there anything that I can do for you two?”

“Just get us a couple drinks and we’ll be fine,” Olivier said. She was a lot nicer than auction employees had been to them before. Still, they’d need the alcohol to handle Marc, even if his brood was suddenly kinder to them tonight. Marc always wanted to be the best, which was hard to do if you were competing with princes.

But Gahariet and Olivier made their way around the first room, noticing that not many people were all that interested in antiques.

Where was their host? After a half hour, Olivier knew that something was strange.