Page 19 of Dragon Twins Bride

The cheaper items were on display now, but the more expensive items were always auctioned by Marc himself. He also always showed his gallery of display pieces, just to rub it in the noses of his clientele that he had possessions that they couldn’t buy.

It was always a good show.




Phuong tried to figure out how to hide under the mountain of pink minerals that lined the pit.

She heard the door open and she knew that Xuan was safe.

Her gut twisted as she thought about what would happen to her. She’d known that something would go wrong, but Xuan was always going on about positive affirmations. She wanted to support and believe in him. She didn’t know that she’d be trapped in the auction house.

She heard footsteps getting closer and closer to the pit. Then she saw a face peer inside.

Her heart sank. The Drakan’s face was curious. She held her breath as they made eye contact.

“I’d wondered where you’d gone. Going into an auction house that you’re planning to steal from and attracting every eye in the room is a stupid plan.”

He smiled at her. She didn’t like it at all.

“What’s your name?”


Marc shook his head. “We’ll have to do better than that.”

Phuong didn’t like the look in his eyes at all.

“It was foolish for the two of you to come here. But I will accept you in exchange for whatever your brother stole. I’ll get someone to help you out.”

He walked away. Phuong hugged herself down in the pit.

Soon, there was a metal basket lowered into the pit. She stepped inside and was lifted high. When she got to the ground level, she tried to get out, but the basket’s metal rods were extended.

“Hey!” she said.

“You need to be in your display case. Showtime is too soon.”

Display case? Phuong didn’t like the sound of that.

“Who are you?” The operator of the lift wasn’t Marc.

“My name isn’t important.”

“Where’s Marc?”

“None of your business. I need to hurry if you’re going to be displayed on time.”

Phuong screamed as her cage was swung into a slot in the treasure room, a wall of sections that were like a honeycomb, each section a separate, smaller room within the large one.

She found herself in a smaller room with an elderly Draka woman.

“Yore girls are so plump,” she said disapprovingly. “Don’t you ever think of cutting back on your food?”

Phuong bit back a retort. Food had been in scarce supply lately, and she still looked curvy.