Page 69 of Indulgent Pleasures

“Do you want to leave?”

“Yes.” He moved so he could whisper in her ear. “So I can get you alone and kiss you some more.”

“All right.” She nodded, her hair brushing against his face and he breathed deep, inhaling her sweet floral scent. “Let’s go.”

Justin had never left a game early before. He always stayed so he could talk to everyone and rehash the game, reminisce with his friends.

But with Stephanie, even surrounded by what had just a few months ago been his entire life, he was ready to bail. Was happy they were winning but for once didn’t care to stick around and relive the moment.

He wanted to create new moments with this woman who he hoped would become a permanent fixture in his life. His heart actually leapt at the thought.

Hopefully she felt the same way.

* * *

Justin had been acting strange the entire day. Not in a bad way, just...different. He’d been very attentive and affectionate, not seeming to care who saw them together, showering her with kisses and hugs every chance he could get.

Whereas she skulked around, hoping like crazy she wouldn’t run into anyone she knew. Not that too many people she knew would be at a baseball game in the middle of the week on a sunny afternoon. But better safe than sorry.

Spending time with Justin and having fun made her realize she didn’t get out enough. Hanging out, indulging in too much junk food and laughing with him, making those sexy dimples flash, she realized something yet again.

She had surrounded herself with too many negative people. Her bitchy roommate, her bitchy sisters—though she couldn’t get away from them, they were blood after all—Caleb the snake, heck even Zoe who half the time made her feel uneasy.

It was a pattern she needed to stop. She should speak up to her sisters and tell them she hated it when they put her down. She needed to tell Caleb to screw off. She needed to find a new roommate and quick.

Changes needed to be made. Positive ones and she had Justin to thank for that.

They’d cut out of the baseball game early, much to her surprise, but it was easier to leave the stadium, beating the exiting traffic. He’d driven straight to his house, shooting her a quick smile every once in a while, resting his big hand possessively on her knee. His touch warmed her from the inside out. Just looking at his hand on her made her feel good. Protected. A little bit loved.

Okay, she was being overdramatic but damn it, with the way he’d been acting since she’d shown up on his doorstep yesterday, she couldn’t help it. He’d showered her with attention, so thoughtful, so focused on her and when they’d had sex, it had been...different.

She couldn’t quite put her finger on it and maybe she didn’t want to. Avoidance had been the name of the game since the minute she’d hooked up with Justin.

Funny thing was it didn’t feel so much like a hookup anymore. It was starting to feel like a bona fide relationship. And she needed to be truthful.

Unfortunately, she hadn’t found the opportunity to tell him about her real job and the articles since she’d never found an appropriate moment to bring it up.

Okay she needed to be honest. She was too afraid to bring it up, scared of what his reaction might be. So she’d kept quiet like the little chicken that she was.

They were lingering in the kitchen, grabbing something to drink when he turned to her. “Are you hungry?”

She shook her head and rested her hand over her stomach. “I’m stuffed. I ate too much at the game.”

He smiled. “Yeah, you had a thing for those hot dogs, didn’t you?”

With a groan, she clutched her bloated stomach. “Don’t remind me. I shouldn’t have eaten two. I’m a pig.”

“I’ve always appreciated a woman with an appetite.” He approached her slowly, his arms encircling her and he brought her close, so close her body molded to his as if they were a perfect fit.

God, she really needed to stop thinking like this. She was making something out of nothing.

“Please, I was a total pig.” She rolled her eyes, trying to make light of the situation.

And she had eaten too much but she hadn’t been able to stop. When she got nervous, she ate.

“You’re not a pig.” When she glanced up at him, she saw he was dead serious. “You’re not afraid to eat and I like that. Too many women I’ve known in the past would never eat a thing, maybe a piece of lettuce and that’s it.”

“Well I’m definitely eating more than lettuce. You can tell by the way I look.”