Page 68 of Indulgent Pleasures

Where he proceeded to have his every wicked way with her, until she was coming and gasping in his arms. After toweling her off, he’d led her to his bed where he continued to have his way with her, making love to her for hours. As if he couldn’t get enough.

He always felt like he couldn’t get enough. For instance, she was sitting next to him in the skybox, watching the Miners play New York. She’d taken his advice and called in sick, excited to actually go to a real live baseball game, she’d told him, since she’d never been before.

And so he’d brought her. He’d introduced her to his old coach, to a couple of his close friends and teammates. She’d smiled and shook all of their hands, looking thrilled to be hanging out with a bunch of perverted baseball players who were all eyeing her delicious curves.

He’d shot them all a warning look that had said, ‘she’s mine’ and they’d backed off. They knew when Justin meant business.

They were also curious. Never before had he brought a woman around and actually introduced her. None of the past women had ever mattered.

Stephanie mattered—in more ways than he cared to admit.

But how could he tell her? She was adorable wearing a pair of jeans she’d bought at a mall on their way to the game and a Miners T-shirt he’d picked up. Her hair was down as per his request and her freckles seemed extra cute to him today.

She looked freshly scrubbed and as wholesome as could be. Hard to believe she was the same woman who’d ridden him like he was a wild beast earlier this morning.

Most likely she didn’t want to hear flowery words and declarations of love at a freaking baseball game. She’d probably prefer his confessions in private.

Pausing, he sat up straighter, his mind zeroing on his previous thought. Declarations of love and all that, what the fuck? Did he really love this woman? Was he actually in love for the first time in his life?

He had no clue. But he figured he was close. Real close.

And that was a little scary but in a good way. In a throw all caution to the wind and go for it kind of way.

“Are you all right? You’re awfully quiet.” Stephanie nudged him with her shoulder, a little smile curving her pretty mouth.

“Ah, I’m fine. Just thinking.” He smiled, trying to reassure her and he slipped an arm around her shoulders, squeezing her close for the briefest moment. “It’s weird to be up here watching the game.”

“I’m sure.” Her expression grew solemn and she disentangled herself from him. “Does it make you uncomfortable, being here?”

Justin shrugged. “I’ve watched quite a few games, I’m getting used to it.”

Hell, he’d have to get used to it. Negotiations were complete and he was going to start his new job next week. Expert correspondent traveling and reporting on the playoffs, straight through to the World Series. He was excited, a little nervous over doing something new and so freaking public.

He hated the media and now he was one of them. It made no sense, he would’ve never believed it if someone told him a year ago he’d become a correspondent but here he was.

Damn, he needed to tell Stephanie and soon. Traveling around for the games was going to keep him away from home for a while and that meant keeping him away from her. The one part he hated most about his new job.

They’d figure something out though, he knew it. She’d understand. Especially after he confessed how he felt about her.

“Well I think it’s exciting though truthfully, I’d rather be closer to the field. Closer to the action.” She smiled at him, a flash of straight white

teeth against her deep red lips and he was overwhelmed yet again at how beautiful she was.

Would he ever tire of staring at her? He didn’t think so.

“Next time I bring you to a game, I’ll get you right down on the field. You’ll have the best seat in the stadium.”

“You’re too good to me.” She leaned in, her face so close to his and he decided fuck it. He knew the owner was just behind him as well as a few other Miners bigwigs. But if he was going to declare his intentions to Stephanie tonight, then he may as well semi-declare his intentions right in front of a crowd.

Tilting his head he brushed his mouth against hers, lingering there, giving her a sweet kiss that made his head spin. She sighed and he swallowed it, giving her a quick swipe of his tongue before he reluctantly pulled away from her.

She stared up at him, all dreamy eyed and his heart beat triple time. Proud that he’d put that look on her face with just one simple kiss.

“We’re kicking their asses,” he murmured, reaching out and drawing his index finger along her jaw.

“What?” She blinked up at him, looking a little lost.

He nodded toward the scoreboard. “We’re ahead by six and it’s the bottom of the eighth with two outs. This game is done.”